Caroline Shaw’s quotMicrofictions Volume 1quot complete performance


August 24, 2022 premiere of ‪@carolineadelaideshaw‬ Microfictions, Volume 1 from The Conrad Prebys Performing Arts Center. Performed by ‪@themiroquartet‬ for ‪@theconradprebys‬. • I. Under the hot sun, the road signs melted until they were the color of an unrhymed • couplet, pointing to cadences left or north. • II. The photographs smeared into focus one by one, like organ pipes being tuned. Some of • edges and corners were torn, but the tune was still visible. • III. The summer storm laughed and lilted and shouted until it found a shady spot, beneath an • oak's dappled counterpoint. • III 1/2. Between the third and fourth movements, the second violinist stood up and said • hello to the audience. Everyone was grateful to know which movement they were on. • IV. The complete taxonomy of verse forms is buried in a cardboard box beneath a chord that fell • from grace. • V. Waking up on the early side that Tuesday, Miró noticed a bird repeating its solitary • caption. The clouds nodded to the tempo of an undiscovered Mendelssohn song. • VI. The mountains folded in among themselves, as the day grew on. Their songs could only • be heard in heavy fragments, obliquely, from years and miles below. • • Performed by the Miró Quartet ( • Performed for the La Jolla Music Society ( • Filmed and edited by Tristan Cook (


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