Is the UK UNDER ATTACK from Solar Farm Applications Whats going on in HEREFORD
Plans lodged for solar farm on agricultural land • Plans for a new 30-hectare solar farm in Herefordshire have taken a step forward. • • An application for the proposed 20-megawatt site has been submitted for farmland north of Stoke Edith following a ruling that an Environment Impact Assessment study was not required by virtue, according to Herefordshire Council in April, of its size and location. • Renewable energy firm Anesco seeks permission for solar panels, transformer units, a control room and grid connection equipment. • Comments on the application can be made via the Herefordshire Council webpage until 25 July. • The project is earmarked for land beside the Hereford-Ledbury railway line, a site where Anesco says the “substantial environmental, economic, and social benefits outweigh its position within an area of flood risk . • Anesco said its development would not increase the risk of flooding within or outside the site. • The firm added the project would not result in any increased pollution of any form, with no significant producers of sound or light proposed on site”. • It stated “enhanced” hedgerows along with tree and scrub planting would ensure that landscape impacts are reduced where possible”. • Land beneath the development would continue to retain an agricultural use with sheep grazing being feasible”, Anesco said, adding • the loss of farmland “would be temporary and reversible”. • If given the go-ahead, lorries would access the site during a 48 to 50-week construction period via minor adjacent roads. • The next bit… • Now, I’ve learnt from making these videos that when a company name pops up it’s best to pop it into a search engine followed by the word ‘scandal’ or ‘controversy’ just to see what results come up. • Typing in ‘Anesco Controversy’ gives us… • Hundreds stand against battery storage plan for Green Belt in Great Barr • • Controversial West Burton solar farm plans reach key milestone • • Solar panel farm switched on in New Forest • • More than 100 objections lodged against solar farm near Alresford •