Haiti demands restitution from France
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(4 Jun 2003) • Port-au-Prince, Haiti - 7 April 2003 • 1. Mid shot of president Jean-Bertrand Aristide (center) and his wife Mildred Aristide raising a flag on National Palace lawn as prime minister and secret serviceman look on, on the 200th anniversary of the death of Haitian revolutionary hero Toussaint Louverture • 2. Wide shot of flag being raised • 3. Wide shot of students filing by the National Palace on their way to the ceremonies • 4. Low shot of students go through National Palace gate • 5. Wide shot of Aristide greeting crowd • 6. Mid shot of peasants in crowd listening • 7. SOUNDBITE (French) Jean-Bertrand Aristide, Haitian president: • Restitution and reparations for us, victims of slavery, it must happen, it really must happen. Because slavery is a crime against humanity, they owe us, first of all, restitution, and second, reparations. • 8. Close up of French Ambassador Yves Gaudeul reacting to Aristide's demand. • 9. SOUNDBITE (French) Jean-Bertrand Aristide, Haitian president: • 21,685,135,571.48 US dollars. • 10. Mid shot of peasants cheering • 11. Close up of woman cheering • 12. SOUNDBITE (French) Jean-Bertrand Aristide, Haitian president: • Today, as in the times of slavery, the powerful have chosen to keep the black peoples in the most cruel servitude. • 13. Mid shot of crowd, UPSOUND (French Creole) Unblock the country! • Port-au-Prince, Haiti - 28 May 2003 • 14. Wide shot of exterior of Radio Signal FM • 15. Close up of sign Radio Signal FM • 16. Mid shot of engineer giving radio host on air signal • 17. SOUNDBITE (French Creole) Luc Jean G�rard, radio host: • We have with us professor, historian and researcher Adyjeangardy who will talk to listeners about the 21 billion. • 18. SOUNDBITE (French Creole) Adyjeangardy, professor: • It's not a debt of independence. We paid damages and interest to all the white foreigners we kicked out. • 19. Wide shot of studio • Arcahaie, Haiti - 18 May 2003 • 20. Wide shot of exterior of cathedral during celebration of 200th anniversary of Haitian flag • 21. Mid shot of band and flag-waving fans • 22. Close up of Aristide in church • 23. Wide shot of dance troop • 24. SOUNDBITE (French Creole) Jean-Bertrand Aristide, Haitian president: • Let's say it together: The bull that turns the sugar mill stone is not the one who gets to drink the sugar syrup! • 25. Wide shot of crowd UPSOUND (French Creole) President Jean-Bertrand Aristide Louder! You in the back! Louder! • 26. Mid shot of girl dressed as independence heroine Catherine Flon sewing together red and blue pieces of French flag • 27. SOUNDBITE (French) Jean-Bertrand Aristide, Haitian president: • And so it will be with the restitution of our 21,685,135,571.48 US dollars! • 28. Mid shot of diplomats listening to Aristide (French ambassador is on the left) • 29. SOUNDBITE (French Creole) Jean-Jacques Dessalines, actor playing revolutionary hero: • I wouldn't say that we are fully free, because there are still lots of colonials preventing the country from progressing, but I, Jean-Jacques Dessalines, I swear the country must progress! They must respect the country! • Port-au-Prince, Haiti - 29 May 2003 • 30. Wide shot of street with banner demanding restitution and reparations • 31. Wide shot of crowd below Haitian flag at government ceremony • 32. Wide shot of journalists gathered around politician • 33. SOUNDBITE (French Creole) Rene Civil, pro-Aristide activist: • Port-au-Prince, Haiti - 7 April 2003 • 35. Wide shot of horses and heros, students and others on Palace lawn • 36. Wide shot of statue of revolutionary hero Toussaint Louverture being pulled by a flatbed truck past crowd • STORYLINE: • • Find out more about AP Archive: http://www.aparchive.com/HowWeWork • Twitter: / ap_archive • Facebook: / aparchives • Instagram: / apnews • • • You can license this story through AP Archive: http://www.aparchive.com/metadata/you...