Chroma Console 80s Chorus Tones Dynamic Fuzz
Chroma Console paired with a Hofner hollow-body electric and reissue Fender Champ 600. • To get the unique chorus sound from the rhythm part, select the Pitch effect, turn Drift up, set the Rate knob to 50% and record knob movements on the Amount knob. Add some compression, filtering, and bucket-brigade style delay and you’re headed to the 1980s. • To get the lead sound, just run the Space effect (reverb) into Fuzz and the Cassette effect. In the lead part, you can hear how dynamic the Fuzz is - when playing softly, it’s just on the edge of break up, but digging in is extra exciting because the reverb sound is getting put through the Fuzz effect. • Chroma Console: • Instagram: / hologram_electronics • Facebook: / hologramelectronics • #hologramelectronics #chromaconsole #guitar #guitarpedals #musicproduction #effectspedals