ENGLISH quotASHquot FateApocrypha Akane Sasu Sora
>> YOUR LINK HERE: ___ http://youtube.com/watch?v=SBc6ta5_05A
Can I change the world with only views and vows? • Guess we'll just have to find out! • Apocrypha. • I really liked it. It definitely had its problems. I'd be crazy to say it didn't. But damn, I liked it. It's a very Fate story, I think. I'm a big fan of someone being so otherwise useless, being the absolute best under the right circumstances. And Apocrypha is all about putting the pieces in place to let that happen. Is it wish-fulfillment? Absolutely. There's no shame in that. But being just the right person, in just the right place, at just the right time? That serendipity? That's Fate. Not just literally— that is the Fate series to me. Someone, so earnestly trying to help others, with all that they are, and all they can be. And the world that rewards their sole desire to save with a miracle. • I don't want to be like a Fate protagonist, and frankly no one should. But they're stories worth telling— worth listening to. And I'll recommend it as much as I can. If it helped someone like me, I'm sure there are people it hasn't reached yet that it... definitely can. Fate and Kimi no Na wa both caught me at a point in my life where I really needed them most, and I think I'll always hold them dear for that. • ... • Oh no I have to talk about watch order then. • Oh no • um • Play Realta Nua. The PS2 version with voice acting. The music is better there. Play the Fate route, then Unlimited Blade Works route, then the Heaven's Feel route. After that, play Hollow Ataraxia. Then you can play/read/watch any Fate you want. Just please don't start with Zero. No matter what anyone tells you. It's like eating dessert first. Except dessert is worms. But they become gummy worms if you play Fate/Stay Night first! • fucked up how worms became a meme considering what they are and do • ...Anyway. • I hope you enjoyed ASH! I've always liked this song, but I started writing for it because it reminded me of an OC I made. Don't ask. But it was nice to bring this piece to life. It's funny: Kimi to no Ashita was the last thing I recorded the summer before I first left for college, and ASH was the last thing I recorded before leaving for college again last summer... You can hear in my voice that I'm pretty tired. I don't know if I ever said, but I recorded like twenty songs last summer, so I'd have music to release throughout the year. That music is almost entirely published now. Next up is my batch from last autumn, then winter after that. Then I'll record some stuff on spring break, and we'll be right back where we started. • It's a new beginning for the channel, I think. I sure hope so. • Our beginning starts right now. • x - x - x - • Vocals: Akane Sasu Sora (Hi!) • Lyrics: Akane Sasu Sora (Hey!) • Mixing: YE0N (http://bit.ly/31duzaw) • Artwork: Fuyukii99 (http://bit.ly/2UdfyEv) • Animation: Yukari (http://bit.ly/2JKx1i1) • This video was funded by Patreon! (http://bit.ly/PatreAkane) • Want a Download? Donate $1 to my Ko-Fi with an attached email, and you'll get one! Or, become a $3+ Patron on Patreon for unlimited access to the mp3 archive! (http://bit.ly/kofikane) • x - x - x - • LYRICS: • Like a raindrop caught in the wind • just a few of many, aimlessly we fell • as our feelings run determined • down the paths we chose ourselves! • A storm is on the way, • consuming anybody • caught in the rain... • When I brought together our dreams • the fragments all cut into me! • So I felt there was no reason • to believe in anything... • Is that true? What can I do? • Can I change the world with only views and vows? • Guess we’ll just have to find out! • In a world beyond redemption, • I curl up beside the only friend I have... • And with new determination • I keep walking down my path! • If I could just push through • this storm into tomorrow, • I’ll start anew! • Every scar and burn, I’ve moved passed! • I rose again, born from the Ash! • I discovered that believing is • the only thing I’m good at! • So I knew just what to do! • We can change this broken world inside and out! • Our beginning starts right now! • Knowing that at anytime... • that the end could come and I’d... • turn to ash and fall... • To put the world before myself • or to live for someone else... • doesn’t sound too bad at all! • When the shards of dreams I picked up • and held so close, abandoned us! • It felt like I lost a reason • to give anyone my trust! • And I thought, “How could you want • someone so naive to lead this world along?” • But you proved me wrong…! • ‘Cause with every scar from your past • You rose again, born from the ash! • If I have no faith in myself, • I’ll just know you have my back! • So it’s fine! We’ll turn the tide! • Time to turn the entire world upside down! • Our moment starts right now! • x - x - x - • Amakusa Shirou... • ...you, me, and all of humanity! • We're not going anywhere!