Isometric Chin Up
Greasing the Groove to Improve Your Pull Ups in 2 Weeks • Let's say you can manage just about four reps in a row. • Throughout the day, you’ll do multiple sets (4-7 sets) at 50% of your max, which is two reps. • If one rep is your max, then do multiple sets of one rep. • Rest for a minimum of one hour between sets. • Perform this 4-6 days a week. • If you can't do this, try: • Jumping Negatives • Jump up as much as you need to pull yourself up. • Try and go slow when coming back down. • At first, you might drop straight down, but as you get stronger, you will be able to go slower. • If the jump is too much, jump from a box to assist you. • Or, jump up and hold yourself at the top of the pull-up. Try to keep your chin over the bar. This is an isometric chin up. • Article on, How To Boost Your Pull Ups In 2 Weeks by Solly Muwaniri of Famba Fitness • Famba Fitness Channel: / @fambafitness • To access our library of over 32,000 how-to articles and workouts visit