Taw Bélgica june 2022junio 2022 ideófonos kichwasKichwa ideophones
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The South America Podcast: From the Andes to the Amazon, and almost to Antarctica: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1G-d2... • Also found on the site 'Quechua Realwords': https://quechuarealwords.byu.edu/ • Speaker: Bélgica, a charismatic speaker, engaging storyteller and polyglot (she speaks Kichwa, Shiwiar, likely the related Shuar language to some extent as well, Spanish, some Wao Terero (Waorani), and is passively learning English. • Kichwa ideophone (marked, often sound symbolic utterance, or 'verbal gesture'): 'taw' • Recorded at the Andes and Amazon Field School near Tena, Ecuador in June 2022 with Bélgica, a Kichwa woman speaking a Pastaza variety of Amazonian Kichwa. • This utterance and surrounding context was part of a larger narrative, detailing a 'beginning time' story about a lomocha (a type of rodent) woman and a pundzhana (another type of rodent, also called siku in the Napo region) woman -- these are two humans who later became the two types of rodents respectively). • Recording by Austin Howard at Iyarina, near Tena, in conjunction with the Quechua Research Group (led by Dr. Janis Nuckolls, BYU): / @quechuaresearchgroup2474 • The Iyarina Scientific Station is run by Dr. Tod Swanson (Arizona State University): • / @toddillonswanson5017 • Tod Swanson and Daniel Andi, On difference btw ideophone and imitation of agoutis: • • Tod and Daniel Andi, On difference bt... • #quichua #iconicity #languagedocumentation #fieldwork #storytelling #quechua #ecuador #indigenousstorytelling #indigenoussouthamerica #southamerica #andesandamazonfieldschool #iyarina #iyarinascientificstation #iyarinaestacioncientifica #napo #pastaza