Big Fight Big Brawl 1960
After loosing the European heavyweight title to Dick Richardson in 1960, Brian London can't hold his temper. A brawl breaks out that has to be separated by police forces. • Porthcawl, Wales. • • Start of the European Heavyweight title boxing match between Dick Richardson (taller boxer) and Brian London at Coney Beach Arena at Porthcawl, Wales. GV. The two boxers in the ring - the referee is Andy Smythe. SV. Boxers moving around ring. London leads with a left to the head. Boxers move round the ring, London lands a left. AS. London goes into attack, Richardson stays out of trouble. They circle, London holds out right fist and swings a hard left to Richardson's head. London goes into attack again - uppercut to Richardson and they break off. SV. Richardson lands one to London's body and continues to attack. London stays out of trouble and counters with a left to the head, and another, followed by two more good lefts. AS. Boxers move around, London attacks and they clinch. SV. Boxers in clinch, London pushes Richardson away from him. Richardson holding London's arms. He drags London towards him, then ducks and butts him. SV. Crowd. SV. Eighth round in progress, Richardson leads with a left, London ducks and counters with good right to the body and then a left upper cut to the head. The fighters clinch, still throwing blows. Richardson wraps his right arm underneath London's left so holding London he butts him in the face. Richardson still holding London, puts in two lefts to the head. Referee walks in and breaks them. He cautions Richardson. London protests that he has been butted, the referee ignores protest. London turns away and throws a punch into the air. Referee signals fight on, boxers move towards each other. SV. London with back to camera lands good left to Richardson's head. Richardson counters with left, London's second punch gets home. London moves in again with three lefts to the head. Boxers move round the ring, London attacking. He jolts Richardson's head back and follows with two more lefts. He scores with another good left to the head and follows up with two more. Richardson swings a right, London ducks underneath and then they wrestle a bit. • • Fighters stumble across the ring. London throws a left which misses. Richardson forces London into a clinch and the bell goes for the end of the eight round. SCU. Man in crowd. SV. Ring after London had retired with a cut eye at the end of the eighth round. London walking in the ring, referee raises Dick Richardson's arm naming him the winner. London walks over towards Richardson and a small man believed to be Johnny Lewis, Richardson's trainer, walks to London and shouts at him. London pushes him away, Lewis punches London in the chest. London pushes him away and lands a hard right to Lewis's jaw which sends him to the canvas. Lewis gets to his feet and fights back at London. London is hitting him with heavy punches. Richardson's second rushes in to try and stop London and Richardson. A man believed to be Brian's brother Jack London junior comes in. He walks over to the melee and tries to restrain Brian London. Brian skips round Jack and smashes home a right to Richardson's head. Richardson's manager and handlers are then all over London. London's brother Jack starts to hit out, the crowd in the ring grows! SV. Brawl in progress, with Jack London swinging punches at everybody in sight. He knocks one man in an overcoat and trilby hat to the floor and against the ropes and then wades into him. He starts to hit out at another man who is one of Richardson's handlers and he goes to the floor. Camera pans round to show man believed to be Brian's father, Jack London senior, wrestling with another man. He has this man on the floor but he is pushed against the ropes. GV. Brawl, London is still tussling with Johnny Lewis. Jack London moves in and plants a punch on the side of Lewis's head. Police are trying to drag Brian London clear. Policeman drags him across the ring and is holding him. While his brother Jack argues with policeman, London is released and walks across the ring. Jack London stands between Brian and the crowd. SV. Policemen in ring. STV. Brian London being led through crowds out towards his dressing room. SCU. Brian London with his father, his brother just behind him. • FILM ID:1690.21 • A VIDEO FROM BRITISH PATHÉ. EXPLORE OUR ONLINE CHANNEL, BRITISH PATHÉ TV. IT'S FULL OF GREAT DOCUMENTARIES, FASCINATING INTERVIEWS, AND CLASSIC MOVIES. • FOR LICENSING ENQUIRIES VISIT • British Pathé also represents the Reuters historical collection, which includes more than 136,000 items from the news agencies Gaumont Graphic (1910-1932), Empire News Bulletin (1926-1930), British Paramount (1931-1957), and Gaumont British (1934-1959), as well as Visnews content from 1957 to the end of 1984. All footage can be viewed on the British Pathé website.
