MRI Anatomy of the HIP


To learn more check out our course MRI Mastery Series: Hip - 12.75 CME, presented by Dr. Stephen Pomeranz • • OK, so it’s a bilateral capsule joint that could be scanned unilaterally, or with a wide field of view that makes you responsible for reading any findings within a force field of (insert magnet bore size here). No problem, right? You would think there would be a finite list of pathologies for the hip joint. Even if that were true, you’ve still got those “film edge” (or worse, pitfall) findings in the spine, hip, thigh, abdomen and pelvis. We know how it is, because we deal with it every day too. • Fairly straightforward appearances of AVN or transient osteoporosis or trochanteric bursitis could belie a minefield of other findings you wish you’d called before the referrer called you. Proximity to so much additional anatomy and the strategic position of the hip at the juncture of the femoral connection to the extremities almost makes these scans a “2-for-1”…doubling the pressure on the reader. • Fear not, for you too can conquer the acetabular labrum and its neighbors. Our Hip MRI Mastery series includes both a realistic overview and case-based specifics that shares the process for effective hip joint evaluation while never forgetting that radiologists have to report on any findings that appear on our monitors. So we spend time on the “greatest hits” like cam vs pincer impingement and ligament, tendon and muscle tears, without neglecting the occasional sacral fracture, ovarian mass or prostatic hypertrophy. We have legacy series (Case Review, Professional and Advanced Orthopaedic and Joint) with both didactic and case review resource material, and our “Power Packs” provide a bolus of case volume (along with some good ol’ CME) to increase your hip reading confidence and buff up your MSK MR resume. • Hip MRI Anatomy Diganosis Covered in this Course • Acetabular Labral Injuries • Athletic pubalgia • Avascular necrosis (AVN) • Cam impingement • Femoroacetabular impingement (FAI) • Labral Tears • Legg-Calvé-Perthes disease (LCPD) • Osteitis pubis • Pincer impingement • Piriformis muscle syndrome • Rectus abdominis • Rectus femoris • Slipped capital femoral epiphysis (SCFE) • Snapping tendon syndrome • And much more… • *************************************** • Subscribe to our channel and hit the notification bell so you can be alerted when we upload a new video: ► • An MRI Online membership gives you unlimited access to our course library full of scrollable DICOM images and micro-learning video courses. ► • Try MRI Online free for 7-days with unlimited course access.► • MRI Online partners with proven educators to create the best training experiences for radiologists in every stage of their career. Get exposure to 1000’s of cases and become a more accurate, confident and efficient reader.► • Our library of courses is a great complement to a residency's core training curriculum; learn how MRI Online can bolster your training program and help with ACGME compliance. Compliment your program's curriculum with MRI Online: • What do students say about MRI Online? • “I really enjoy this teaching format over the standard lecture. Looking at cases cold is so much more effective than watching someone show you pictures for hours. I love it.” - Dr. Derek Archer - Toronto, Canada • “I believe you are a revolutionary organization that is positively disrupting the way we train future MRI radiologists. Well done.” - Dr. Rocki Doss - Perth, Australia • Be sure to subscribe for more interesting MRI vignettes like this one: • FOLLOW US: • Twitter ►   / themrionline   • Facebook ►   / themrionline   • Linkedin ►   / 19038247   • Youtube ►


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