Synology DS720 NAS NVMe Caching Read Write Test
Synology DS920+, DS220+, DS720+ and DS420+ NAS – • — JUNE 2020 UPDATE – THE REVIEWS ARE IN! • DS920+ NAS Review - • DS220+ NAS Review - • DS420+ NAS Review - • DS720+ NAS Review - • I am pleased to confirm that the hardware and software reviews on the brand new Synology DS920+, DS220+, DS420+ and DS720+ NAS Drive are in. If you are thinking about choosing one of them for your new/first NAS Drive purchase, why not check out the reviews below: • Chances are that even if you have the most tangential interest in the world of storage, servers, NAS and data in general, you will have heard of Synology and their disk station series. Currently considered by many to be the biggest company in the field of network-attached storage, Synology and their Diskstation hardware and software are a company that is not quick to release new hardware – preferring to make the most of their existing hardware portfolio and then releasing software updates and improvement to their award-winning platform with regularity. However, their existing range of Synology 2-Bay and 4Bay NAS just got a massive shake-up for 2020 with the leak of 4 brand new NAS drives for release later this year. Great news for those of us who have been keeping our eyes peeled for news on the newest generation of Synology NAS, with a leak on the data sheets on the 2020 gen NAS – the DS920+, the DS220+, DS720+ and DS420 NAS. These new 2 and 4 Bay range devices are ones that many of us have been keeping a watchful eye out for, as well as the import/export documents that were leaked last week here on NASCompares, and although this is by no means an official or orthodox announcement, they look genuine and seem to indicate the release of the brand new range of Diskstation NAS for summer 2020. et’s take a good look at each NAS and everything we have learnt. • This description contains links to and Amazon. These links will take you to some of the products mentioned in today's video. • Amazon NAS Solutions - • NAS Solutions from - • Are you interested in all things data storage. Perhaps you are a Mac users and want to know if this NAS, DAS, Cable or Drive will work for you? That is where and Robbie can help. For over 20 years has been helping companies and individuals worldwide with their digital archive and storage needs. Alongside that Robbie (Robert Andrews if you want to be delightfully formal) has been spending the last few years keeping you up to date on all things data and won't shut up about it! • If you are as interested in data as we are, then you can find us in a number of ways. can be reached here - http://. However if you want to be kept up to date with new releases, news and keep your finger on the pulse of data storage, follow us below. • Find us on • Follow us on our Twitter - • Or follow and speak with Robbie directly on his Twitter - / robbieonthetube • Still not enough? Then why not visit and subscribe to our blog. Upddated regularly it gives you an far wordier version than TV as well as provide you with hints and tips on how to make the most of your hardware here • Don't forget to visit them on Facebook to entry prize draws, giveaways and competitions, as well as hear about the latest news, NAS releases offers - / nascompares This description contains links to Amazon. These links will take you to some of the products mentioned in today's video. As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases.