It is said that Sanskrit was introduced to human civilization by the sages of Sanatan Dharma (the ancient most form of Hinduism) along with the divine scriptures, especially the Rig Veda and the Upanishads. • A famous verse in Sage Panini’s Ashtadhyayi says that the Panini grammar that is in use now is graced by Lord Shiva. Hence the first known organized sounds are known as the Maheshvara Sutra - Maheshvara being another name of Lord Shiva. Here is the verse from Panini's Ashta-Dhyayi: • At the end of His Cosmic Dance, • Shiva, the Lord of Dance, • with a view to bless the sages Sanaka and so on, • played on His Damaru fourteen times, • from which emerged the following fourteen Sutras, • popularly known as Shiva Sutras or Maheshvara Sutras • The fourteen sounds of the Maheshwara Sutra, also known as the 'akshara-samamnaya', or the 'recitation of phonemes', is also the most ancient known Sanskrit alphabet sequence. It is at the same time a powerful Mantra and the vibrations of its sound are known to have healing powers. • 1. अ इ उ ण् | • 2. ऋ ऌ क् | • 3. ए ओ ङ् | • 4. ऐ औ च् | • 5. ह य व र ट् | • 6. ल ण् | • 7. ञ म ङ ण न म् | • 8. झ भ ञ् | • 9. घ ढ ध ष् | • 10. ज ब ग ड द श् | • 11. ख फ छ ठ थ च ट त व् | • 12. क प य् | • 13.श ष स र् | • 14. ह ल् | • 1. a i u ṇ • 2. ṛ ḷ k • 3. e o ṅ • 4. ai au c • 5. ha ya va ra ṭ • 6. la ṇ • 7. ña ma ṅa ṇa na m • 8. jha bha ñ • 9. gha ḍha dha ṣ • 10. ja ba ga ḍa da ś • 11. kha pha cha ṭha tha ca ṭa ta v • 12. ka pa y • 13. śa ṣa sa r • 14. ha l • The fourteen sutras contain all the letters of the Sanskrit varnamala- the svaras (vowels) and all the vyanjanas (consonants). The sounds of the alphabet originated from Lord Shiva's 'damru'. • In his paper 'Mantra Initiation' by Pandit Rajmani Tignuit wrote, ....on a more subtle level, the Sanskrit phonemes relate to the energy currents which lie deep within the interior of the human body. Each of the 72,000 currents has a distinct sound, although they are too diffuse and vague to be enunciated distinctly. • In mantra shastra, the point where two energy currents intersect is called a sandhi, the point where three energy currents cross is called marma shthana, and the point where more than three energy currents converge is called a chakra. • At the center of each chakra a distinct sound predominates, and other distinct sounds are centered around it. That is why, in kundalini yoga, each chakra is represented as having a particular letter at its center, as well as a letter on each petal........ . • Check out the body part that you invoke (and heal) by reciting each different syllable of the 'varnamala' :- • • The Maheshwara Sutra is a healing mantra too , and is/was chanted to revive the sick or dying. • • • • A sound, syllable, word, or group of words that is considered capable of “creating transformation.” The Sanskrit word mantra consists of the root man- “to think” (also in manas “mind”) and the suffix -tra, meaning “tools or instruments”, hence a literal translation would be “instrument of thought”. • Bija means seed. “The Bija mantras are one-syllable seed sounds that, when said aloud, activate the energy of the chakras in order to purify balance the mind body. • In Sanskrit, chakra translates into “wheel”- can be thought of as vortexes that both receive radiate energy. There are 7 major energy centers (aka chakras) in the human body , running base of spine to crown of head. Emotions, physical health, mental clarity affect how well each chakra can filter energy. • In traditional Hatha Yoga, the 7 cleansing bija mantras associated with chakras are: • • “LAM”- chakra 1 (root) Muladhara Chakra • • “VAM”- chakra 2 (sacral/navel) Svadhisthana Chakra • • “RAM”- chakra 3 (solar plexus) Manipura Chakra • • “YAM”- chakra 4 (heart) Anahata Chakra • • “HAM”- chakra 5 (throat) Visuddha Chakra • • “OM”- chakra 6 (third eye/brow) Ajna Chakra • • “OM”- chakra 7 (crown) Sahasrara Chakra • • Chant the bija mantras, either one at a time or in sequences. Repetition accesses meditative state-focusing on different regions of body associated with each syllable/chakra as you go through bija mantras. • • •


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