Spider mail gone wrong
>> YOUR LINK HERE: ___ http://youtube.com/watch?v=SQHBnnVBsu4
EN: I ordered some spiders... and some other things. Normally those things arive in a matter of a few days. Oh was I wrong this time... • Take a look! • Like, share and subscribe. It helps me a lot in the development of this channel. • You can find me on Facebooku and Instagram • / tarantuhalla • / tarantuhalla • If you want to support my work for the terrarium community, you can do it here: • https://ko-fi.com/tarantuhalla • Species: • Trichonephila inaurata (Red-legged golden orb-weaver spider) • Heterothele villosella (Tanzanian Chestnut Baboon) • #spider #animals #tarantula