WRAP Adds wake US military bite on burial of Saddams sons
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(2 Aug 2003) • • Tikrit, Iraq, 2 August 2003 (++MUTE++) • 1. Wide of the burial site, Odai, Qusai and Mustafa Hussein (Qusai's son) graves • 2. Various close-ups of the three graves • 3. Various of mourners paying respects and crying • 4. Various of mourners praying • 5. Mourner (with cap) approaches grave with a banknote with Saddam's image and glues it with mud to the grave • 6. Mourner (with cap) praying in front of a mosque • 7. SOUNDBITE (Arabic) Iraqi mourner: • It's a very sad day for us. The majority of people from Al Oudja (where Saddam was born) are very upset. They didn't inform us about the funeral and they restricted it to the maximum of 20 people and for us this is not acceptable. Nobody told us. • 8. Cutaway shot of mourners praying in front of the grave (++MUTE++) • 9. SOUNDBITE (Arabic) Iraqi mourner: • These three for us are considered as martyrs, they are heroes and as heroes, they are not being honoured the way they deserve. As an Iraqi citizen from this moment I would offer my soul to Qusai, Odai, Mustafa and Saddam, and not only me but so many people would do the same. You will see what's going to happen to the Americans after the way they treated our heroes. • • Tikrit, Iraq, 2 August 2003: • 10. SOUNDBITE (English) Lieutenant Colonel Steve Russel, Fourth Infantry Division: • We know that the Iraqi Red Crescent received the remains of Odai and Qusai Hussein. They picked them up at an airfield and then they transported them to a cemetery in a village south of Tikrit. • 11. Wide of the burial site • 12. SOUNDBITE (English) Lieutenant Colonel Steve Russel, Fourth Infantry Division: • We received no orders to provide escort, we received no orders to be present over the funeral detail or officiate over anything. We did observe from a distance what was going on, but we participated in none of it. It was handled by the Iraqi people, with some sheiks and family involved. • • Tikrit, Iraq, 2 August 2003: • 13. Various of Saddam Hussein's tribesmen sitting in a room for the mourners' wake • • FILE • Baghdad, Iraq, 25 July 2003: • 14. Wide of the two bodies in the mortuary • 15. Close up of Qusai's face • 16. Cutaway of legs • 17. Close up of Odai's face • 18. Wide of the room, cameraman filming • • FILE • Baghdad - 19 Jan 2003 • 19. Iraqi TV images of Saddam with two officials • 20. Mid shot of Iraqi official with Qusai in middle and Odai on his right • 21. Cutaway of other officials • 22. Zoom out of Odai and Qusai seated • • Baghdad - date unknown • 18. Iraqi TV material of meeting between Saddam Hussein, his sons, Odai and Qusai and military officers • • Unidentified location and date: • 19. Qusai holding a gun • 20. Qusai's eldest son firing from pistol • 21. Zoom out of Qusai firing a gun • • STORYLINE: • • Saddam Hussein's sons Odai and Qusai were given martyrs' burials in the family cemetery in their hometown of Tikrit on Saturday morning, the Iraqi Red Crescent Society and the U.S. military said. • • Leaders of Saddam Hussein's tribe buried the bodies, wrapped in Iraqi flags in a sign the family considered them to be martyrs. • • Later, they gathered to mourn Saddam Hussein's elder sons, Odai and Qusai, and a grandson, 14-year-old Mustafa Hussein, Qusai's son, also believed killed in a fierce gun battle with U.S. troops July 22 in Mosul. • • Lt. Col. Steve Russell from the 4th Infantry Division which is based in Tikrit, told AP that the army flew the bodies into an airfield just north of Tikrit, and sent them in ambulances to the cemetery. About 20 cars passed through an already established military checkpoint to reach the burial ground. • • • • • • • • • • Find out more about AP Archive: http://www.aparchive.com/HowWeWork • Twitter: / ap_archive • Facebook: / aparchives • Instagram: / apnews • • • You can license this story through AP Archive: http://www.aparchive.com/metadata/you...