Rugăciunea Sfântului Mucenic Ciprian †


Din seria Rugaciunile Inimii (english translate on the basement) •    • Rugaciunile Inimii (The prayers of th...   • O rugaciune benefica pentru cei care cred ca sunt victime a tot ceea ce reprezinta energii negative... • Un eretic care a reusit sa devina sfant. Despre viata sfantului mucenic Ciprian puteti afla mai multe accesand link-ul de mai jos: • • English translate: • Lord, almighty Jesus Christ, our God, • creator and gatherer of all you are saint and glorified/blessed • Emperror of emperrors and Lord of lords, glory to you • You, who are living in the untouched and unaproached light • For my prayer, the modest's and unworthy's worshipper • Take away the demons and turn off their whichcraft from your worshippers • Brim over rain at good weather over all Earth and force it to give it's seeds • The threes and the vines to give entirely their fruits • Women to be unleashed and unchained by the womb's lack of seeding • These, and all the world to be unchained • Also unchain all the work of all the devil's connections • And unchain all your worshippers together with their belongings • From all of Satan's and magic's and spells' and against God's effects • You God of our fathers, stop all of Satan's work • You, who unchain the magic, the curses, the spells, all of Satan's workand his bonds • And destroy all the wicked work by pronouncing your holy name • Like this, hear me father, your humble worshipper and unchain your servant from all of Satan's work • And if it's bond in heaven, or on Earth, or with unholy animal's skin or with stone or with rock • or with wood or with writings or withor with human blood, or with the birds' or with the fishes', • or through unholyness, or in other way they unleashed their wrath upon him • or if they came from elsewhere, from the sea, from the fountains, from graves, or from another place, • or if he came through human nales, animal nales or bird's claws, or through snakes (dead or alive), • or through the land of the dead, or if he came through stabbing nails, unchain them once and for all, • right now, God, with your big power • You, God,our God, who knows everything, unleash, break to pieces and destroy now, the work of magic, • and protect your worshipper(name) with all of his family from all of the devil's work • Crush with the sign of life making almighty cross all of the opposing powers. • Devastate, destroy and take away once and for all the magic's work, • sorcery's and charm's from your worshipper (name) • Like that, Lord, hear me, your sinner worshipper, and your servant with all of his family, • and unchain them from the evening's demon, from all the disease and doom, • from all wrath, envyness, charms, harshness, laziness, greediness, powerlessness, foolishness, • lack of wisdom, pride, cruelty, unrighteousness, arrogance, • and from all the mind loss and wrong things, known and unknown, • for your holy name, because you are forever blessed. • AMEN. • 24TECproductions Ltd. • regie si scenarii videoclipuri, filmari • Comenzi: tel. 0724-902721


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