Superman exercise - Physical Therapy Superman exercise variations for back exercises from • Learn how to strengthen your back with these 3 variations on Superman Exercise. These back exercises help to strengthen back muscles and promote spinal stability. • These Superman exercises are designed for beginners as well as more advanced back strengthening. The exercises include techniques to help can help you ensure safe back exercises. • Muscles Trained with Superman Exercise • • Back muscles -- erector spinae, trapezius, quadrates lumborum, rhomboids • • Buttock Thigh muscles- gluteus maxiumus, hamstrings • • Shoulder muscles- deltoid, infraspinatus • Tips for Keeping Superman Exercise Comfortable • • Breathe normally and avoid holding your breath • • Keep your elbows slightly flexed when weight bearing through your arms • • Keep your chin tucked throughout and avoid extending your neck • • Avoid raising your heel or arm higher than your trunk to protect your spine • • If your pelvis is unstable you may find prone position the best position to commence your exercises • • Superman exercise should always feel comfortable and pain free -- cease any exercise that causes you discomfort and consult with a health professional should discomfort persist. • Superman Exercise Technique • 1. Prone Position for Beginners • Prone position can help to alleviate pressure off the knees and pelvis making it a useful position for starting out. • Position • Lying prone on a firm surface with a pillow beneath your hips, head down and forehead resting on your hands, feet in contact with the ground • Action • • Raise one leg backwards lifting your toes just off the ground, then lower your straight leg back to the ground. • • Repeat this action with the other leg and continue alternating this exercise • Progress • • If comfortable for your shoulders, extend your arms out along the mat and keep your head down. Raise your right arm and left leg together just off the ground, then lower back to the ground. • • Repeat the same action using the left arm and right leg • Kneeling Superman Exercise • • Kneeling Superman exercise can provide added challenge and demand for spinal control. • Position • • Kneel on all fours with your knees under your hips and your hands directly beneath your shoulders. If your knees are sore, try kneeling on a cushion. If your wrists are sore, support them by resting your hands on the bar of a pair of dumbbells. • Action • • Maintain the inward curve in your lower back throughout with both hips facing the ground. • • Kneel on your left leg and extend your right leg out behind your body. • • Raise the toes of your right foot off the ground keeping your leg straight ensuring you do not raise your heel higher than your trunk. • • Lower your right foot back to the ground and repeat up to 10 times in a row. • • Repeat this exercise with the left leg • Progress • • Raise your left arm and right leg together before lowering them back to the ground. Repeat this exercise with the opposite arm and leg. • • Techniques to progress Superman Exercises • • Increase the number of repeated exercises • • Perform Superman exercise leaning forward over an exercise ball • Back exercises including Superman exercise should always feel comfortable and pain free. Always cease any exercise that causes you any physical discomfort.