Tevhid ve Sünnet Söylemiyle Neyi Kastediyorsunuz Halis Bayancuk Hoca
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What do you mean by Tawhid and Sunnah? By Sheik Abu Hanzala. • Tawhid: La ilahe illallah • Sunnah: Muhammadun Resulullah • He explains what separates people into Muslim and unbeliever, • What determines the destination of people on earth and beyond, • The common call of all the prophets: La ilaha illallah • and • In a world where humanity perishes in the depths of association and innovation, • Where degradation and perversion is no longer individual but mass, • Where there is an increase in doubts at the level of belief and drifts at the level of acts, • The solution which is in the example and the model of Muhammad (pbsl): Muhammadan Rasulullah • That is to say the explanation of Tawhid and Sunnah. • What is the Tawhid? • The Tawhid, is لا إله إلا الله. There is no being who deserves worship and bondage, except Allah (saw). • Tawhid is the unification of Allah (saw) in the following three points: • 1. The Tawhid of names and attributes: unifying Allah (saw) in His names and attributes • 2. The Tawhid in the lordship: to unify Allah (saw) in His specific works, to unify him as lord (rabb) • 3. Tawhid in worship: to unify Allah (saw) in acts of worship, to unify Him as a deity (ilah) • What is the Sunnah? • The Sunnah is the explanation محمداً رسولُ الله. • The Sunnah is the guide, the exemplarity, the model, the method of struggle of Muhammad (pbuh) who is the last among hundreds of thousands of messengers (as) sent and whose judgment will be valid until the Day of resurrection . • There is no god except Allah (saw) and Muhammad (saas) is the Messenger of Allah (saw). • The la ilahe illallah represents the cause of the Tawhid, Muhammad Rasulullah that of the Sunnah. • Unify Allah (saw) in worship and unify Muhammad Mustafa (pbuh) regarding the choice of leader, guide and example. • IMPORTANT MOMENTS • 00:53 What does لا إله إلا الله mean? What is the Tawhid? • 01:14 Unify Allah (saw) • 03:13 Living and dying for Allah (saw) • 4:26 The Sunah is the explanation of محمداً رسولُ الله. • • From the shadow of disbelief, in the light of revelation ... • To follow our pages: • For Tawhid lesson.; • https://tek.link/LLbY • To read Qur'an: • https://tevhidmeali.com/ • To watch all our videos; • https://tevhiddersleri.org/ • To reach all our documents: • http://tevhiddergisi.org/ • For your questions: • [email protected] • #Laİlaheİllallah #AbuHanzala #Tawhid #Islam