ČKzK1 Lekce 1 DIKTÁT 3 Profese
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In the dictation, you will find vocabulary from the textbook Czech Step by Step 1 by Lída Holá. A workbook and interactive online exercises are also available: https://www.czechstepbystep.cz/detail... • It's 10 sentences with vocabulary from lesson 1 - on the topic of professions , that means occupation - what people do, what kind of work. • The dictation proceeds as follows: • 1. I read the whole sentence. • 2. I read parts of the sentence. • 3. I read the sentence once more. • 4. I uncover correctly written sentences. You check for correctness, but also repeat OUT LOUD after me - read. • 👉👉 APPLICATION ON THE APP STORE 🍏 https://cutt.ly/aplky 👈👈 • 👉👉 APP ON GOOGLE PLAY ▶️ https://cutt.ly/apky 👈👈 • 👩 More about me: https://beacons.ai/ilearnczech 👋 • ❤️ Support new videos: https://cutt.ly/SupportJana 💲 • The subtitles were created automatically by a programme, they haven’t been checked. I hope they’re helpful, and I’m sorry if they aren’t precise. • #A1 #CzechForForeigners #dictation