Introduction to Firefighter Down CPR
Sudden cardiac arrest during firefighting operations is a big concern; therefore, when the unthinkable happens, we have to be ready to provide the best care we can. We know that there are a few basic principles that underlie a successful resuscitation: • 1.) Early high quality compressions (HQ-CPR): The sooner we can initiate high quality compression the better. • 2.) High Chest Compression Fraction (CCF 90%): In order to maximize the chance of a neurologically intact survivor, we need to maintain near constant compressions during the entire resuscitation. • However, we may encounter a unique situation when resuscitating a downed firefighter – they can be donned in full turnout gear (TOG) with an SCBA! • This will give us, in essence, an access issue. • Our ability to initiate the fundamentals of resuscitation are hindered. Yes ... we can – and should – practice the skill of doffing an unresponsive firefighter in full gear. This can be done in many ways; however, even in the best circumstance, this will delay lifesaving chest compressions. • We've addressed this issue and developed a technique in which we can initiate immediate CPR and doff the gear without stopping lifesaving high quality compressions. • We are simply calling it Firefighter Down-CPR (FD-CPR). • Let’s protect our own ... • Learn more at: