How Evolution REALLY Works Part I
Link to interactive evolution simulator: • • • How Evolution Works the GAME. A must see!!! • • KevinPluck has turned this simulation into an interactive game. You are the predator and the squares evolve to avoid you eating them. • • • • The world is full of misinformation. • • Interesting how most of the Young Earth Creationists and people pushing Intelligent Design, clearly don't have an education in the biological sciences. Evolution is the product of Natural Selection AND Mutation. Either alone does nothing. • • Evolution is the logical outcome of the world around us. Organisms that store their genetic information in DNA are guaranteed to have mutations. Mutations produce NEW variation. Reproducing organisms are guaranteed to compete for resources. Competition between variable organisms leads to natural selection, i.e. those organisms that possess variation that gives then an advantage will out compete those who don't. Organisms with deleterious variation will lose to all other organisms. In this way the ENVIRONMENT SELECTS the best organisms. This has the effect of passing beneficial mutations on to the next generation and removing deleterious ones. Over time natural selection will lead to a net shift in the genome of the population, i.e. evolution. • • Yes, this really is evolution. Changes in allele frequency, changes in gene expression, and changes in transcription factor binding efficiency, they are all evolution. • • Logic predicts evolution, and observation confirms it. Evolution has been observed in the lab and in nature. Speciation (macroevolution) has been observed in the lab and in nature. Large changes in appearance have been observed in the lab and in nature. Beneficial mutations have been observed in the lab and in nature. • • CORRECTION: Some have noted that Evolution need not include Natural Selection, as genetic drift does result in evolution. I agree that genetic drift is evolution, and should stress that Natural Selection is just one mechanism for evolution. • • Natural Selection + Random Mutation = Evolution • Genetic Drift + Random Mutation = Evolution • • Both are true. • • To see an example of how genetic drift can lead to a speciation event, i.e. macroevolution, check out an old video of mine • • • Why Creationists are WRONG about Macr... • • To deny evolution is to deny direct observation. It is as silly as denying that the sky is blue. • • To download this video go to: • • • To download the code for the simulation go to: • • • To read the Dover Trial Transcript go to: • • • To see the evidence presented in the trial go to: • • • If you wish to translate this video you can download the PowerPoint file from: • • • Learn the facts, spread the truth, and most importantly, Think About It.