Tout est dans la vidéo... • Voici ci dessous (en anglais) le message de l'administrateur d'Alteriwnet... • • END OF THE LINE • by MaxDamage at Sun Mar 11, 2012 7:43 pm • • Hello dearest Community, • • As you've definitely heard, alterIWNet received a Cease and Desist notification from Mitchell Silberberg Knupp LLP on behalf of Activision Publishing Inc, demanding that we stop our operations due to infringing US and International laws. • • At this time, only initial negotiations have been made, but it is certain that alterIWNet will cease all operations by the end of next week, indefinitely. During that time, you can still play the supported games, as usual. • • Please refrain from taking any actions on our behalf, such as harassing letters, posts, denial of service attacks, telling your grandmother or anything else that you may deem wise. There is nothing more we can do here, unless Activision recognise us as a legitimate modding community. • • Additionally, do not trust rumors. Everything official will be posted in this announcement. Anything you've heard that contradicts this announcement or is not mentioned here is likely false. • • Thank you all for your continued dedication and contributions to alterIWNet and to PC gaming as a whole. • • Sincerely, • Max • alterIWNet Administrator • • Edit: After these forums go offline the only way to keep track of what we're doing is to be on IRC. Use the chat applet here: and then join #alteriwnet or #blitz with your nickname. Write this down - it may not be here later!! • • Site d'Alteriwnet : (Bientôt inaccessible).