HAWKEN Mech Mechanics Technician

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Play HAWKEN and claim your fully-loaded CR-T Recruit mech FREE: http://www.playhawken.com/#enlist/ • Adhesive Games' Jason Hughes introduces you to the Technician. This support mech roams the battlefield, repairing friendly mechs in the heat of battle with its Helix Repair Torch. It can also provide offensive team support by making enemy mechs more vulnerable to damage with the Redox-O2. • Learn more: http://www.playhawken.com/#game-guide... • --- • Prosk Industries introduces the next step in mech technology: the Technician. This light mech is the first in a new generation of support vehicles, and comes with new weapons, a new ability, and a new support item. Built mainly to roam battlefields and repair mechs in the heat of battle, the Technician also carries offensive weapons for those times when being alone is your only option. • The Helix Repair Torch offers two choices in armor alteration. Tether the repair beam to a teammate to deliver steady armor regeneration. Or, switch to offensive mode to deconstruct armor from your adversaries. While in use, this tool also regenerates your armor, but remember that you will be heavily targeted, so try to stay out of sight. • The Redox-O2 touts chemically infused rounds that increase your damage potential. Hit your target once, and they become more susceptible to damage for brief period of time. Though the actual projectile impact damage is modest, the debuff effect can stack up to three times. So count your hits and move on to the next target to maximize your team's damage output. • The Hawkins-RPR is available on the Technician as an alternate, unlockable weapon. These double sawed-off cannons provide rapid-fire assistance for when repair isn't your main objective. The RPR generates more heat than the Redox however, so be prepared to choose between helping a friend and helping yourself. Choose wisely, because overheated -- you're no good to anyone. • The Amplification ability greatly increases the effectiveness of the Helix Repair Torch, repairing a large amount of armor on friendlies, or dealing massive deconstructive damage to enemies -- depending on the mode. Self-reconstruction received is also amplified while the ability is active, so, think of it as your personal panic button. • The Blockade is the standard support item on the Technician. As the name implies, it is a free-standing wall that blocks all damage. Use it cover your tail while repairing your team, or toss it down while on the run. The Blockade is also effective against mechs. Cleverly deny access to key objective points. Just be careful not to wall off your emergency exit. • For an offensive item, we recommend the MG Turret. This deployable, mini-gun automatically fires at enemies within range. Stop watching your back and focus on repairing your allies by placing it strategically, to warn you of approaching enemies. In one-on-one situations, repair it as needed to enjoy the benefits of continuous firepower support and self-reconstruction. • Now that we've shown you the basics about the Technician, here are some tips to help you win battles and support your troops. • Support is the key word with Technician. Your job is to keep your teammates armored up and moving the line of scrimmage forward. Good Technicians train their eyes to scan friendly mech armor indicators on a regular basis, so they can react quickly to where help is needed. The Torch beam locks on, so you can turn back and forth somewhat while repairing, but remember to keep an eye on your target from a comfortable distance. Dashing and dodging is common, so staying too close is likely to cause a traffic jam. When the bullets really start flying, deploy your Blockade for some extra cover, and activate Amplification to help keep everyone's armor topped off. • Let's face it, the Technician is a support class and not built for going solo, but there are times when a lone Technician must strike with all its force. When an enemy takes out your ally, throw your Helix Repair torch into offensive mode and activate your Amplification ability. Don't forget, you can use your Blockade and MG Turret, not only to provide extra defensive and offensive support, but also to replenish your own armor. This may just keep you alive long enough to outlast your opponent (or for help to arrive). • The best way to defeat a Technician is to attack it. This may seem obvious, but it's easy to get caught-up with the mech that's shooting at you, while completely ignoring everything else. Your best offense is vigilance -- identify the Technician early and destroy it first. Since Technicians often operate from the back lines, move into a flanking position to keep a clear line of fire. And, if you ever come across a Technician boosting back into battle alone, destroy it before it reaches the rest of its team.


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