Mountain Bike Brake Pads Organic vs Sintered Whats the Difference
You need brake pads, you finally found the ones that fit your brakes and now what? Compounds? Organic (resin/semi metallic) and sintered (metal/metallic)? What? Might as well eat tacos and drink beer instead of trying to figure this out... This video will help you figure out which ones you need. Paired with our blog as well as a great blog from PinkBike, you should have all the information needed to decipher this topic. There are no doubt pros and cons to each compound and subtle differences in the performance and longevity of the brake pad compounds. Which compound do you prefer and why? • Visit our blog for more information: • Subscribe to our channel: • Shop Organic Brake Pads: • Shop Sintered Brake Pads: • Shop All Brake Pads: • Website: • Instagram: / worldwidecy. . • Facebook: / worldwi. . • What's the Worldwide Cyclery YouTube Channel all about? • Demystifying the confusing world of MTB's one video at a time. We eat, sleep and breathe bicycles and love to make videos about them. • Worldwide Cyclery is one unusual bike shop on a mission to build the best bike shop on the planet. We are a group of passionate and motivated riders who are all about having fun on bikes by any means necessary. We mostly live in the world of high-end mountain bikes but pretty much just love anything with two wheels. • Our content provides riders with the most amount of information possible on everything from new product releases to bike and product reviews. We're here to provide relevant content that will inform and educate our fellow riders/bike enthusiasts so that they can upgrade and shred their bikes with a smile. • To learn more about our shop check out - • Shop online at • or... • Visit a shop in Newbury Park CA or Lancaster PA. Come ride bikes! Or drink a beer, or a fruit juice... • #srammtb #shimanomtb #discbrakes