Neck Stretches amp Exercises for Arthritis with Dr Chad Woodard PhD DPT


Four simple stretches to relieve your neck pain in 60 seconds or less! The best home exercises to decrease neck tension and pain and help your neck to feel better. Presented by a physical therapist with step-by-step exercise instruction included. Read more below! • ➡️ 4 EXERCISES TO RELIEVE LOWER BACK PAIN IN 60 SECONDS:    • 4 Exercises to Relieve Lower Back Pai...   • ➡️ 4 EXERCISES TO RELIEVE UPPER BACK PAIN IN 60 SECONDS:    • 4 Exercises To Relieve Upper Back Pai...   • Neck stiffness and pain is one of the most-common conditions that I treat as a physical therapist. It happens often and, if you’ve had it, you know how debilitating it can be. • Fortunately the right stretches and exercises can really help to decrease your neck pain, improve your range of motion, and help you to feel better. • In this video you’ll learn 4 simple stretches that you can do in 60 seconds or less to help your neck feel better. • HOW TO STRETCH YOUR NECK • When stretching your neck, it’s important that you remember it’s a 3-dimensional structure. That means it’s capable of motion in three different planes of movement. • Your neck can move side-to-side, forward and backward, and it can rotate. In order to maximize your efforts and achieve the best results, you should focus on stretching your neck through each of these motions. • That’s exactly what you’re going to get with the exercises in this video! • These are the best exercises to stretch your neck and decrease pain. These are the same exercises that I’ve given to hundreds of physical therapy patients and I know they can be incredibly effective for you. • THE BEST STRETCHES FOR A TIGHT, PAINFUL NECK • (0:00) INTRODUCTION • (1:35) EAR TO SHOULDER/UPPER TRAPEZIUS STRETCH • (2:58) SMELL YOUR ARMPIT/LEVATOR SCAPULAE STRETCH • (4:18) TOWEL CERVICAL ROTATION STRETCH • (5:48) CHIN TUCKS • Please keep in mind that your stretches should be taken to a very comfortable end-position and held there for 15-30 seconds. For maximum benefit you can perform these neck exercises 2-3 times per day. • OTHER GREAT NECK VIDEOS YOU MAY ENJOY • ✅ HOW TO TREAT A PINCHED NECK NERVE:    • INSTANT RELIEF - How to Treat A Pinch...   • ✅ BEST SLEEPING POSITIONS FOR NECK PAIN:    • BEST Sleeping Positions For Neck Pain...  


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