Abuse Story

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By Dee | Subscribe: http://bit.ly/sub2storybooth | Record your story @ https://storybooth.com or our iPhone app for a chance to get animated. | Comment, like, share this story. • Dee shares an extraordinary story about the terrible and hurtful thing that was done to her, the struggle she faced inside to share it, and how by facing that struggle, and telling her Mother what happened, she became the hero of her own story, went to the police, testified in court and she put a bad guy in jail. • - - • If you've been hurt, or don't feel safe, you can get help by telling an adult who you trust - a parent, a teacher, or a family friend - and make sure they listen. Or you can speak to someone right now who can help by calling 800-442-4453. • - - • Dee lived with her Mom and her Mom had a lot of friends. One day while her Mom went out to pick up dinner with her girlfriends, one of her guy friends came over to watch Dee. He was a friend of the family. While her Mother was out, he closed her bedroom door and sexually abused her. He did things to her that she did not want. • Sexual abuse and child abuse are very serious things particularly when it is child sexual abuse. It's a thing that can be hurtful, confusing, shameful and very scary. Dee did not know what to do. When she was in school she was very quiet and kept to herself. She told no on what he did to her. Molested, sexual abuse, physical abuse, assault, sexual assault, whatever it was called, all she knew is that she was hurt and extremely sad. • Then one day when she was driving with her mom the truth came out and she felt so relieved it did. She told someone she trusted, her Mom, what happened and they cried together. He abused her sexually. Then eventually, they went to the police and told them too. She ended up at a trial and was incredibly brave to stand up for herself and testify - tell the trust about what he did to her. As a result, he is in jail, a bad guy is in jail, he is a sex offender, a sexual predator. And Dee is on her way to getting healthy and happy again. • my sexual abuse story is not one that will define her. Any form of abuse is not okay, whether it is sexual, physical or emotional. No one should be a victim of abuse - no one should have an abuse story. Dee is a victim but one that bravely faced the man who hurt her. He is a sex offender who hurt kids. She is not sad anymore but what happened will never go away. This is one abuse story that has sope. • Please visit, support, seek help and get educated about abuse from: • Lauren’s Kids: • Lauren's Kids works to prevent abuse, protect children and help survivors heal. Learn more at http://LaurensKids.org • Darkness to Light: • Darkness to Light trains adults how to prevent, recognize, and react to child sexual abuse. Learn more at http://www.D2L.org. • National Children’s Advocacy Center: • The NCAC delivers excellence in child abuse response and prevention through service, education, and leadership. Learn more at http://www.nationalcac.org • These organizations partnered with storybooth on providing a pathway to education, advocacy and help on the subject of child abuse and childhood sexual abuse. We thank them for their guidance and support. • Child sexual abuse, sexual assault, domestic violence, molestation, emotional abuse, physical abuse, sex offender, are all words and phrases children should never have to heal let alone experience. This storytime is one storybooth story that hope never to receive again. Its one of the sad stories that show how strong kids can be. • LINKS • Website: http://www.storybooth.com • Instagram: @thestorybooth   / thestorybooth   • Twitter: @thestorybooth •   / thestorybooth   • G+: https://plus.google.com/+Storybooth/v... • CONTACT US • [email protected] • ABOUT STORYBOOTH • Real Stories, Animated. Storybooth is a digital platform that invites kids to record and submit their stories for a chance to have them animated and shared with the world. Embarrassment, heartbreak, challenges or triumphs; funny, sad, serious, or silly - we're looking for all kinds of stories - they just need to be real. Stories we select are then turned into animations and are published and distributed online for viewing, sharing, and engaging with on computers, tablets, and mobile devices. PTSD


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