Greek Art 7 Classical Period Sculpture
Seventh video about the Greek Art serie. Any doubt? Send me a message. • Asura Gallery: • Historia del Arte: http://anamurahistoriadelarte.blogspo... • The birth of Greek culture and art were born between the IX and VIII centuries BCE on the peninsula of Attica, the Peloponnese peninsula, the peninsula on the west coast of Asia Minor and the Aegean islands. The importance of their art and culture is enormous. • The sculpture of Phidias of the Parthenon is not here, it is in the Chapter 6: Acropolis of Athens. Just as add, it is interesting the theatre of Agatarcus of Samos. • Temple of Hephaestus: a doric temple dedicated to Hephaestus, god of the forge. • Tholos at Delphi: a circular temple dedicated to Vesta. • Nereid Monument at Xanthos (Kresilas): made by Kresilas. The nereids were three nimphs of the sea that ran away from Peleus. Cover with clothes that the wind moves. • Athletes: some paintings of athletes. • Athena Lemnias (Phidias): called so because Lemnos ordered it. It is the Athena that gives peace. She has chiton and peplos. • Apollo Parnopios or Kassel (Phidias): Apollo is represented, with contrapposto. • Doryphoros (Polykleitos): is a mathematic sculpture, and represents the canon, and the study of the human figure. • Diadoumenos (Polykleitos): is the same, but not very rigid. Is a young man bounding his ribbon of the victory in the head. • Pericles (Kresilas): it is supposed it was a full sculpture, but it is not sure, and represents Pericles. • Head of Amazon (Kresilas): a head of a wounded Amazon. It is not sure if it is by Kresilas or Polykleitos. • Amazones of Ephesus: this Amazon was made by Kresilas who was in a competition where Policleto and Phidias were, and he won. • Wounded Niobide: belongs probably to a fronton. A feminin sculpture with pathos, so the hellenism is near. • Nike of Paeonius of Mende: it commemore the victory against Spartans. Is the moment when the Nike is in the ground. • Apollo Patroos (Euphranor of Isthmia): represents Apollo. • Bronze Athena, Pireo (Euphranor of Isthmia): a bronze sculpture representing Athena as a warrior. • Music: Chocolate outline by Age of Mythology • Photos taken in Google images. • No copyright infringement intended.