SyrienKonflikt Jan 2018 einfach erklärt explainity® Erklärvideo


Since 2011 rules the civil war in Syria. Within the past 7 years evolved the conflict to a proxy war, in which Great Powers like the USA, Russia, Turkey, the Iran or Saudi Arabia - to name but a few - meddled . • We attempted us at it to breakdown which groups are involved and how the situation looks like in the country end of January 2018. All that you will learn in this video clip. • Have a look at our first explain video about the Syria conflict and learn how it all began 2011: //   • Syrien-Konflikt einfach erklärt (expl...   • Hint: This video gives only a rough overview and does not raise a claim on thouroughness and integrity. • Here is an interesting link which shows the map of Syria and the most recent activities in the country: :// • German transcript under: // • --- • This explain video was produced by the explainity GmbH • Homepage: • E-Mail: [email protected] • If you are interested in your own explainity explain video, visit our website or make contact directly with us. We are looking forward to your request. • You can use this explain film free for your own purposes and integrate it by yourself. But please consider that the explain video must not be changed contentwise and graphically. Please cite the source by usage and refer by publication in the internet to


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