Cancer Survivor Story NonHodgkin Lymphoma The Patient Story
Nina shares her entire in-depth story of living with stage 4 diffuse large b-cell lymphoma, the most common type of non-Hodgkin lymphoma, bringing us from her first symptoms, treatment decision making, chemotherapy and side effects, hair loss, and how she used social media to help inspire others. • Nina's full written story will be up at soon! • VIDEO 1 (This video): How I Got Diagnosed Treatment Decisions • VIDEO 2: Going Through Chemotherapy, Side Effects Hair Loss → • Cancer Survivor Story: Getting Throug... • VIDEO 3: Navigating Life with Cancer (Quality of Life Topics) → • Cancer Survivor Story: How I Deal wit... • VIDEO TOPICS BY TIME CODE: • (3:38) How I figured out something was wrong • (5:20) First time going to get medical care (during COVID!) • (7:00) Dealing with the wait for answers • (8:24) Describing the first biopsy • (11:00) Getting the call • (13:45) Processing the diagnosis • (14:27) How I broke the news to my loved ones • (17:00) The bone marrow biopsy (getting poked 4 times!) • (19:28) Guidance on the bone marrow biopsy