The real CAUSE of BUNIONS Fix it 4 STEPS


How to fix bunions without surgery • Timestamps: • 0:00 – 2:19 – What are bunions? • 2:20 – 5:19 – What causes bunions? • 5:20 – 7:59 – What are the solutions? • Around 83% of adults worldwide have a foot disorder and within this group, 36% have bunions AKA hallux valgus. • A bunion is a bony bump that forms on the joint at the base of the big toe. The severity of this kind of foot problem can vary and so does their development. In some individuals, they may progressively become worse, whereas, in others, they remain relatively stable. • Bunions can have a significant impact on the joints of the foot (especially the metatarsophalangeal joint) and the mechanics of the legs, causing problems like knee pains and inflammation. • What causes bunions? • Bunions are largely associated with the development of a poor foot arch or flat feet; however, other factors may also play a role. These include genetics and: • 🦶Wearing narrow/boxed shoes that cause the big toe to get pulled toward the smaller toes. With enough time in this position, your feet will end up conforming to this shape permanently. • 🦶Poor dorsiflexion/foot mobility during the gait cycle can create excess pressure on your arches, causing your feet to point outwards (i.e., duck-feet or out-toeing). This problem arises from a poor foot-brain connection due to sensory understimulation. One way to identify this is by noticing asymmetry between your feet. • 🦶Flat feet (no foot arch) load the big toes excessively, causing them to move inwards. • How do you get rid of bunions on your feet and how to shrink bunions naturally? • Solution #1 – Wear roomy, comfortable shoes that provide plenty of space for your toes and that accommodate to the natural movements of your foot. • Solution #2 – Work out the muscles of your foot. Place your foot firmly on the ground and raise just your toes. Then, extend your big toe and then allow it to rest on the ground while the other toes are still up. • Solution #3 – Proprioceptive drills, i.e., exercises that challenge and develop your proprioceptive receptors. These can help improve ankle proprioception and movements during the gait cycle. • Solution #4 – Frequency from insoles using movement neurology can help re-train the brain by providing the receptors of your feet with adequate sensory stimulation. • Got pain? We can help: • 💻 Education • Online certification: • 🛒 Shop Insoles👣: • Therapeutic Insoles: • Lower Back Support: • Upper Back Strength: • Foot Activation: • 💬 Send a Message to our team: • 📕 Download our FREE EBOOK: • Social: • Instagram -   / posturepro   • Twitter -   / posture_pro   • Facebook -   / posturepro   • About Annette Verpillot: • Annette’s Bio: • Annette Verpillot is the founder of Posturepro, a health company specialized in restoring the brain-body connection through some of the world’s most advanced rehabilitation and injury prevention techniques. She is the creator of the Posturepro Method which has gained global recognition for eliminating chronic pain, increasing strength and coordination, reducing the risk of injuries, improving energy availability, and boosting athletic proficiency. • Annette’s methods have been taught to health professionals in various fields including osteopathy, physiotherapy, medical, dentistry, and sports training. With years of clinical experience on her side, Annette has achieved exceptional results with clients of different ages and backgrounds (e.g., children, adults, professional athletes, trainers, law enforcement officers, veterans, etc.). • Annette aims to spread awareness about the benefits of proper posture to a greater public. To achieve this goal, she actively participates in research, collaborates with experts in healthcare, and shares her knowledge as a speaker on various platforms. • #feet #health #yoga #footpain #posture


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