DS Lite USB C Charge Mod
>> YOUR LINK HERE: ___ http://youtube.com/watch?v=SoghQUyFCGM
The USB C mod was provided to me by rorosaurus on discord (and github and tindie) for testing. He's sent me a few mods so far and they've all been fantastic. I wanted to get this one checked out and make a video on it but I also had a new shell I wanted to install a DS Lite in so I figured I'd get two birds stoned. This is the edited down version of the video for just the USB C mod for those interested. The full version is here: • DS Lite Reshell and USB C Charge Mod • rorosaurus will be selling these boards preassembled (I believe) on his tindie store when he gets the design finalized and gets the stock, otherwise, the source is listed on his github if you want to DIY. • tindie: https://www.tindie.com/stores/rorosaurus • github: https://github.com/rorosaurus/nds-lit... • I did NOT file down the shell for this as it's not 100% necessary but it would result in a much cleaner appearance if I did. • The links provided are NOT affiliate links. I make no money from any of the links I provide. • I have recently enabled monetization, however, to help offset my costs for this channel. I highly recommend using adblock if you think the ads are too intrusive. If you'd like to support me directly, I've created a ko-fi: https://ko-fi.com/makho • Please do not feel obligated to contribute, what funds I make there will almost entirely be put towards junk food or cat treats or other non-youtube related bullshit I don't need.