CISA Alert F5 BIGIP Cookies Exploited for Network ReconCyberSecurity CISAWarning F5BIGIP yt
Stay informed about the latest cybersecurity threats! CISA has issued a critical warning concerning unencrypted persistent cookies in F5 BIG-IP Local Traffic Manager modules being exploited by threat actors. Discover essential recommendations, such as encrypting these cookies and utilizing F5’s BIG-IP iHealth diagnostic tool to check for vulnerabilities. This warning connects to a joint bulletin from U.S. and U.K. agencies about the Russian state-sponsored group APT29, known for their advanced intelligence-gathering techniques. Protect your infrastructure by staying ahead of these threats! • 👍 Like and share this video to raise awareness! • #CyberSecurity #CISAWarning #F5BIGIP #APT29 #ThreatActors #CyberThreats #InfoSec