LAven Marzal 44°22154N 4°30664E Alt 353M Ardèche France


(F) L'Aven-Grotte de Marzal fut signalé en 1892 par le Maître de la spéléologie, E.A. MARTEL, comme étant une merveille naturelle. Ce nest quen 1949, que le spéléologue français Pierre AGERON, le redécouvrit et entreprit son aménagement, qui a été jugé comme particulièrement audacieux. • Récemment, il a été modernisé et se découvre désormais par une animation audiovisuelle extrêmement émouvante ! • LAven Marzal sest enrichi du Musée du monde Souterrain, qui rassemble la plupart du matériel authentique utilisé par les illustres spéléologues (Martel, de Lavaur, de Joly, Casteret, Ageron), depuis lorigine de la spéléologie. • En 1983, le site a été complété par le premier Zoo Préhistorique de France. Celui-ci présente, le long dun parcours ombragé de 800m accessible à tous, des reproductions danimaux préhistoriques grandeur nature. Certaines scènes sont animées, et lensemble bénéficie dune sonorisation tout à fait exceptionnelle et incomparable. • • (GB) Discovered in 1892 by the pioneer French caver E-A Martel, who described the Aven Grotte de Marzel as being of great beauty. However, subsequently the entrance was closed until March 1949 when French speleologists rediscovered it. After that the cave was forgotten for over 50 years, and because the natural entrance was only 1 metre wide and over the years vegetation had hidden the entrance, it took 15 years to find it again. The cave is named after a local man called Marzal. In 1812 he got into a fight with a shepherd and was killed. The shepherd threw Marzal and his dog down the cave. Three days later they found the body of Marzal at a depth of 12 metres, the dog fell much deeper and they found him 80 years later at a depth of 63 metres. His bones were left where they fell, and they can still be seen today. Quantities of other animal bones were found in the cave, but they all fell in by accident. • Since then the cave has been opened up to the public. A shaft was drilled into the roof of the main chamber and a 135 m deep iron staircase fitted. As one descends the stairs an amazing view of the cave is achieved. This enormous chamber is highly decorated by a marvellous array of colourful speleothems which vary from dark brick-red to snow-white. • Other attractions include, the Museum of the Underground World, which contains a collection of authentic caving equipment used by such renowned speleologists as E-A Martel, de Lavaur, de Joly, Cateret, Ageron, etc etc. • In 1983 the site was complemented with the first Prehistoric Zoo in France. Here are displayed life-size reproductions of extinct animals along a 800 m shaded path which is accessible to everyone. Some scenes are animated and benefit from an absolutely exceptional and unique PA system. Text by Tony Oldham. • • • • VALPARD FILMS


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