The Basics of Restaurant Management How to Run a Restaurant
Whether you're a restaurant owner wanting to know what you should be expecting from your management team, or you are a manager trying to learn what it takes to be the best you can, understanding the basics of restaurant management is critical. That is exactly what I’m going to cover. Here are six things to have in place to execute the basics of restaurant management. • ****How to Solve Your Restaurant's Cost and Management Challenges: • 📖 I wrote a book for restaurant owners and managers: • 🔔 Be sure to subscribe to this channel to get alerts when I post a new tip: • 🎧 Take me on the go and listen to my podcast: • ********************************** • Welcome to my YouTube Channel. I am David Scott Peters, a restaurant coach and speaker who teaches restaurant operators how to cut costs and increase profits with my trademark Restaurant Prosperity Formula. Known as THE expert in the restaurant industry, I apply my no-BS style to teach and motivate restaurant owners to take control of their businesses and finally realize their full potential. Thousands of restaurants have used my formula to transform their businesses. To learn more about me and my coaching program, visit • ********************************** • Here are the six things to have in place to understand the basics of restaurant management. • The first one is you need to have systems in place for Restaurant 101. A system is a process, a way to doing anything and everything in your business and making sure it’s done how you want it done. Systems are critical to your success. • Number two is systems for strong communication. Again, a system is a process, a way to do anything in the restaurant. You need ways to openly communicate with each other every day, to make sure management is all on the same page and that everyone knows what’s going on each day shift to shift. The things communicated can know what training needs to be done, what items got eighty six, what features you're running for the day, what training tools you're going to be putting in place, you name it. • Number three, you need systems to proactively manage the restaurant. That starts with a budget, also known as your plan for success. A budget tells you where your numbers need to be for cost of goods sold and labor. Your budget will tell you how much change you need to make, if they’re running high or low. The budget also points you to the systems that will have the biggest impact on your numbers. Your budget is also a great plan for your managers to follow so they know where the marker is for success. • Number four, you need systems to ensure the process is working. Managers make sure the systems are working and that the business is run properly. The number one tool is checklists. Use checklists for opening and closing side work, for everything you do, weekly side work, monthly side work, anything that you can imagine for managers or line employees that allow you to impose your will without being there. When the systems are followed properly, you change your culture to close to open. You want to close every shift so that you are 100 percent ready to open the next shift. It's a well-oiled machine wrapped in trust in each other. • Number five, you need systems to keep the business moving forward. When you have that weekly manager meeting, talk about what the team needs to be working on right now. What's a new priority that makes the restaurant better? What will help you grow when all the day-to-day stuff is handled? You needs systems in place to help you build sales. That's marketing, better service, selling and upselling. • Number six, you need to have systems to become a better you. The best leaders and managers are always looking to improve. They have a growth mindset. They're never satisfied with the status quo. You need to develop your systems, your process, your way to doing anything and everything in the restaurant. • When you list all these basics of restaurant management out, you can quickly see how important your managers are, how important they are to your business, how important it is to train and coach them, to help them become the best they can be. • ********************************** • Find more about how to run a restaurant business on my other platforms: • 👍 Facebook: / davidscottpetersbiz • 📸 Instagram: / davidscottpeters • 📱 Twitter: / restaurantxpert • 🔔 Subscribe to YouTube: • 🎧 Podcast page: