How to clean a dogs ears to remove wax and help prevent ear infections
We use a commercially available cleaner EpiOtic to show how to safely clean canine ears without the use of cotton buds or wipes. Please never do this without first consulting a vet; if the ear drum is ruptured (for example due to an ear infection) you could damage hearing permanently. • • TRANSCRIPT: We're going to show you how to clean your dog's ears. • Now if you're doing this for the first time it's really important that you take it slowly and patiently • and use lots of treats because your dog might be scared of this and if you go in too fast and too hard • you could hurt them or scare them and they will... • You'll have more trouble and more trouble as time goes by whereas if you're careful and • slow and use treats your dog should enjoy this. • If you take it carefully it also means in the future • your dog will look forward to this being done. They won't run away when you lift the bottle up. • They look forward to their treat and if your dog does get an ear infection • not only will you see it quickly because you've been cleaning these ears weekly • but when you come to us to have that ear infection treated your dog won't have a problem with the ointment being put in. • So what we're doing here is we're cleaning Coco's ears. She's a Labrador and Labradors often get quite • significant wax accumulation in their ears and if we don't tackle this, as many dogs the same, they'll get yeast infections in the ears. Now • in her case we're going to use this product called Epi Otic which is without question the best for these dogs. • It is anti fungal and cleaning at the same time and we do this typically weekly at the beginning, so • very important this is not done in a dog that has an ear infection, but only when it's dirty before the infection starts, • and I think we've got this dog in time. So let's go. You use volume, you put lots in (can I get you to hold her • chin up while we do this yeah • that's it it'll just shake about) and we're going to fill that ear right it up. And it's just like water • It doesn't sting unless there's an infection. And massage below, see where I'm massaging my finger and thumb? I'm pushing in • below the opening. The ear canal runs down here, and we've got that noise, a bit of groaning. • They often do that when it's... you see it's red here. • So it's a bit itchy and she's quite enjoying that and you can see that muck coming up there. Now • I'm going to swing around. I'm not going to let her shake, come around here and do the other side. • I'm leaving that in there to soak. • And again • Probably better if it was bit warm. She's probably thinking that's a bit cold and here we go again. • Give it a good old massage and again • you can see what I'm doing is I'm agitating around and trying to let it sit for bit. • Now typically what I will do is do one more time. Don't move the camera. I'll just come around here, and do it again. Fill • and massage (uh-oh- not yet!) • Fill and • massage again, beautiful. • Beautiful, now that's stayed in there for a few minutes. • It's loosening up all the discharge. • Step back (and if you could just get out of the way she's about to shake her head) and we're going to let her shake • And then she's going to literally expel it all. • There we go. • Good girl. Well done!