Project Diablo 2 GODLY Windforce Bowazon
Hello everyone and thanks for tuning in. • This video showcases one of the strongest builds in PD2 season one, the Windforce Multi Shot Bowazon. The build featured in the video is an end-game build, so if you'd like to see some budget builds I encourage you to take a look at my written guide on the PD2 reddit linked here: / the_definitive_windforce_multi_shot_bowazo... • The Windforce Bowazon has a ton of viable gear and skill options which makes it an extremely fun build. This guide speaks to my preferences and what I think is optimal, though you might not share the same ideas - that's what makes the game so fun! • Chapters: • 0:00 Intro • 1:06 Stats • 2:03 Gear • 11:33 Skills • 13:50 Gameplay • 17:10 Mercenary • 19:29 Contact Me • Thanks and enjoy your gaming!