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#matrix #spiritual #AlinaAzim • All your reality may slip from under your feet... • Knowledge will reach the worthy and when it is activated in the DNA of the person who reaches it, it will spread around him. • What is the secret of the moon? • Learn the structure of the matrix, the dome of the sky and the adjustment dial that sustains the Matrix, the instruction manual and the projection projection. • Was it all a lie? • Are we all a portal? What is the structure of all portals and the working principle of the Universe? • Thought, emotion, action, and energy connection with the Akashic... • Did I write my destiny or was it written? • If so, why am I responsible for my actions? • What is the game of my destiny, or the game of the Universal, or even the game of the One? • Who gave the contract, who put the seal? • You are born alone, you live alone, you die alone. So what is the meaning of your life? • How to write destiny, what is esma programming? • What happens in the hereafter and is there Reincarnation? • How do the influences that affect your life that you are not aware of, direct your life? • What do you mean, is your destiny made easy for you? • What does karma mean and how does karma affect fate both in life and in the hereafter? • What is Absolute Fate and Ultimate Fate? • Find the meaning of the chain of thoughts, feelings and actions. • Don't forget to subscribe so you don't miss new videos → https://www.youtube.com/c/alinaazim/f... • SOCIAL MEDIA ACCOUNTS ↴ • Facebook →   / 1997sir   • Instagram →   / 1997katib   • Don't forget to check out our favorite playlists ↴ • EVRENİN SIRRI → https://bit.ly/3yLOLkY • VAROLUŞUN AMACI → https://bit.ly/3J30C2x • KADER → https://bit.ly/3GVScbq • SURELERİN ANLATMAK İSTEDİĞİ → https://bit.ly/3smE5bk • HASTALIKLAR → https://bit.ly/3mkfyzN • SIR → https://bit.ly/3e7NvPh • ASTROLOJİ → https://bit.ly/3FjJNhB • TO WATCH OTHER VIDEOS ↴ • ATLANTİS'İN SIR PERDESİ KALKSIN (Mars, Kristaller, Thoth ve Çöküş) → https://bit.ly/3pMuDek • GİZLENEN MİTHRA İNANCI VE BOĞA KÜLTÜ → https://bit.ly/30f7lVJ • MATRİKSTEKİ MÜHÜRLÜ KADERİM VE ÖLÜM ÖTESİ → https://bit.ly/30cIlOI • ÖLÜMÜN SIRRI VE ÖLÜMDEN DÖNME → https://bit.ly/3rUqFTm • YHWH VE LUCİFER'İN KOZMİK KAVGASI → https://bit.ly/3dCF0vB • 3. GÖZÜNÜZLE EVRENSEL NETWORK'E BAĞLANIN ​→ https://bit.ly/3DICezi • ZAMANDA YOLCULUK VE SATÜRN DÖNGÜSÜ → https://bit.ly/3lTRpzM • ZÜMRÜT TABLETLERİN SIRRI → https://bit.ly/3Gs8gRY • ARKONLAR VE BLACK GOO EVRENSEL SİMBİYOZ YAŞAMLAR → https://bit.ly/3GBpPzh • BUCEGİ DAĞININ GİZEMİ → https://bit.ly/30dsSOq • BERMUDA ŞEYTAN ÜÇGENİN GİZEMİ → https://bit.ly/3Gx5dIb • MÜHÜRLÜ KADERİM → https://bit.ly/338FAPw • LUCİFERİN RÜYASI → https://bit.ly/3oHnYTh • KEDİLER SİZİ NASIL GÖRÜR? → https://bit.ly/3pRv6fo


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