WoT Blitz Gravity Force How to Play
>> YOUR LINK HERE: ___ http://youtube.com/watch?v=SzYYnkVjCfI
----------------- • FOLLOW US • INSTAGRAM • / xsaysabby • / fusaki3 • FACEBOOK PAGE • / kanamexsisters • ----------------------------------- • Hey guys, • We're finally back with a brand-new NaruHina amv! :D • For this project, we chose to use the Boruto - Next Generations anime (for the first time) and wanted to focus on the relationship between older Hinata and Naruto. • I don't know if it's just us, but we were slightly disappointed by Naruto's neglective behaviour in the anime and the movie. It seems like he's never there for his family; all he thinks about is work. • Also, his statement that the whole village is his family really rubbed us the wrong way. Isn't that a weird thing to say to your wife? • It's perfectly alright to care for the village, but family should still come first. • What's more, why doesn't he use his shadow clones from time to time, at least to be home before midnight? :/ • In the Boruto anime, he had so many all-nighters it was ridiculous. The village is at peace and he has employees. • We felt kinda bad for Hinata, Himawari and Boruto. Of course the real reason Naruto's neglecting his family is that the writers need some sort of issue Boruto has to overcome. They just needed a conflict. Still a stupid thing to write. • Anyway, here's the story of the amv [short summary]: • • As mentioned before, Naruto is working all the time. He usually comes home very late (past midnight) or he doesn't come home at all and pulls an all-nighter. • After some time, Hinata can't take it anymore and decides to talk to him, particularly ask him if he could spend more time with his wife and children. Naruto, who has just gotten home at ten past midnight, is so tired that he doesn't want to talk about this now. They have a rather loud argument which ends with both of them going to bed in different rooms. • Hinata can't sleep that night and wonders how they can go back to being the happy family they once were before Naruto became Hokage. • After the first chorus, we switch to Naruto's perspective. We realize that he's not actually the bad guy here, he's just completely overworked, but he does love his family dearly. • In the end, he takes the initiative to make up with Hinata and goes on a date with her. From that point on, Naruto stays with his family more often, gets home at a reasonable time, uses shadow clones at work and is simply there for his wife and children. They make lots of new happy memories (and photos). • This doesn't mean that Naruto is a bad Hokage now, he just finds a good work-life balance. • I hope this amv is a reminder that you should never take your relationship for granted. Don't stop working on it even if you have been together for a very long time. Show your boyfriend/girlfriend that you love him/her! • -------- • THANK YOU FOR 20k subs and MERRY CHRISTMAS!! • Sabby Sanny (KanameXSisters)