ROBLOX JAILBREAK AIRPLANE UPDATE? (WITH PROOF!) NEW • #Roblox #JailbreakUpdate #RobloxJailbreak • I'M A KID FRIENDLY GAMER/YOUTUBER. • ► ROBLOX: TheRealGoldenNinja5O (The 5O is a 5 and a capital O not a zero) • ► ROBLOX GROUP: • ► MY ROBLOX SHIRT: • ► TWITTER: / golden_ninja50 (underscore after Golden) • ► INSTAGRAM: / goldenninja50 • ► DISCORD: / discord • ► XBOX ONE: G0LDEN NINJA 50 (G0LDEN has a zero not a capital O) • ► GOLDCRAFT, MY MINECRAFT SERVER: • ► BECOME A SPONSOR➜ / goldenninja50 TOP RIGHT IS SPONSOR BUTTON • -Fans can subscribe for a monthly fee of $4.99 USD (or a comparable fee in fans’ local currency). Doing so unlocks custom live chat badges and emojis, allowing THE BIGGEST FANS to stand out in the crowd. Sponsors also gain access to a special sponsor-only chat room and immunity from chat time restrictions! • ► DONATE TO HELP ME CONTINUE MAKING AWESOME VIDEOS HERE: • ► GET MY MINECRAFT SKIN HERE: • ► BE A SUPER FAN, CLICK THAT BELL ICON JOIN THE NINJA FAMILY: / @goldenninja50 • ► MINECRAFT MONDAYS EVERY MONDAY 5PM EST • ► ROBLOX LIVE STREAMS EVERY WEDNESDAY AT 5PM EST EVERY OTHER WEEKEND! • ► FORTNITE STREAMS EVERY FRIDAY 6PM EST EVERY OTHER WEEKEND • ► DAILY VIDEOS 12PM EST FRIDAYS, SATURDAYS, SUNDAYS DURING SCHOOL. • ► Thanks for watching my video. • ► Please like, subscribe and leave a comment. • ► My intro music: 'Snowdown' by MDK used with permission. • • / mdkofficial • • / mdkofficialyt • • Buy the song here: • • Free Download: • ► My other intro music: RCKB - Enough (Felix Palmqvist Remix) • ► MUSIC: • ‘Music by Epidemic Sound (’ • Official YouTube Creator Subscriber • What is ROBLOX? ROBLOX is an online virtual playground and workshop, where kids of all ages can safely interact, create, have fun, and learn. It’s unique in that practically everything on ROBLOX is designed and constructed by members of the community. ROBLOX is designed for 8 to 18 year olds, but it is open to people of all ages. Each player starts by choosing an avatar and giving it an identity. They can then explore ROBLOX — interacting with others by chatting, playing games, or collaborating on creative projects. Each player is also given their own piece of undeveloped real estate along with a virtual toolbox with which to design and build anything — be it a navigable skyscraper, a working helicopter, a giant pinball machine, a multiplayer “Capture the Flag” game or some other, yet to be dreamed up creation. There is no cost for this first plot of virtual land. By participating and by building cool stuff, ROBLOX members can earn specialty badges as well as ROBLOX dollars (“ROBUX”). In turn, they can shop the online catalog to purchase avatar clothing and accessories as well as premium building materials, interactive components, and working mechanisms. • Check out Roblox ➜