HOW TO Dirac Live Room Calibration
UPDATED VIDEO: • HOW TO: Dirac Live Room Correction - ... • Read our written Dirac Live guide here: | Chat with us online: | Call for sales and support: 888.899.8776 • Read more product reviews shop on our website: • Follow us on Instagram: • Raleigh, North Carolina Location: • Charlotte, North Carolina Location: • If you are reading this it is likely you are a happy new owner of a brand new Arcam, JBL or other Dirac enabled processor, or maybe you are considering purchasing one and want to understand how the setup will go. For those of you who are new owners, congratulations! At Audio Advice, we believe in getting the sound as close as possible to the original recording. Since no room is perfect, calibration software is a key ingredient to achieving this goal. In this video we walk you through how to set up your room for Dirac Live calibration. We then review the best order of steps for setting up your processor. Then we walk through the exact steps for performing the best possible Dirac calibration while showing a live screen recording. • A few things to note that we mention in the video itself. First, be sure to load the calibration file for the microphone that came with your system. For those of you who are going totally over the top, you can get a more advanced microphone and load its calibration file as well. Second, you will want the microphone pointing upwards for all of your samples. Some people make the mistake of thinking it should be pointed at the screen or somewhere else. But 99% of microphones that you would use for these calibrations are designed to be pointed up upwards. Most of these systems do not come with mic stands but if you can get your hands on one that will make it much easier to position the microphone perfectly stable during the calibration. Make sure you turn off fans, HVAC systems and everything else that will create background noise. You want the best signal to noise ratio you can get during your calibration. • Enjoy the video. If you have additional questions, feel free to reach out to us at and we’d be happy to talk with you on the phone. Or if you live near one of our showrooms in Charlotte or Raleigh, we can show you in person.