Alkaline Phosphatase Enzyme An Overview
Hello my YouTube family, Welcome to my channel • This video talks about alkaline Phosphatase Enzyme in detail. It is one of the most important enzyme in Gene cloning or genetic engineering. This video describes introduction, process and application of Alkaline Phosphatase Enzyme. This video describes the concepts in a simplified manner. • But before going into the details I want you all to understand broad classification of enzymes that are used in Gene Cloning. I have already uploaded a video on that. Link of the video is mentioned below. • Classification of enzymes in Gene cloning • • Enzymes used in Gene Cloning:- Introd... • #salilnayak • #Alkalinephosphataseenzyme • #calfintestinalphosphatase • #nuclease • #DNAmanipulation • #RecombinantDNATechnology • #biotechnology • #microbiology • #molecularbiology • Thanks for Watching. Hope you all liked my video. • If you all found my video helpful, like my video, share my video with your friends and subscribe to my channel and press the bell icon so that you all can get notifications of all my new videos. • My channel Salil Nayak gives you all the insights of all the topics related to Biotechnology, microbiology and instrumentation techniques which will help you to understand the topics in a simplified manner. • Thanks and regards, • Salil Nayak.