23022023 VN24 LKW Fahrer nach Auffahrunfall auf A1 lange im Führerhaus eingeklemmt
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VN24 - 23-02-2023 (D-M-Y) - Holzwickede A1 / Germany - In a rear-end collision at around 07:35 on the A1 freeway near Holzwickede, between the Lichtendorf Rest Area near Schwerte and the Dortmund / Unna interchange, the 39-year-old driver of a 7.5-ton truck with a tandem trailer suffered serious injuries. Fortunately, there was no threat to his life. The fire department freed the trapped man in a long-lasting operation with hydraulic tools from the crushed driver's cab. To protect the patient against the prevailing cold, the Schwerte fire department used a special infrared heat radiator that prevented him from cooling down. The fire department also immediately laid a water-carrying B hose with connected distributor to the vicinity of the accident vehicle, thus ensuring fire protection. An emergency doctor was flown in by rescue helicopter Christoph 8 and landed directly in front of the accident site. • As always, it is unknown why the 39-year-old driver struck the trailer tractor of a 45-year-old driver. The driver of the truck in front and his passenger were uninjured. Police seized the truck of the suspected accident perpetrator for further technical investigation. The accident truck and its trailer were towed away by a salvage contractor. • ++++ • Picture material (film/photo) © VN24.nrw • ► Order material at [email protected] • Any publication of the visual material is subject to a fee, sharing for private, non-commercial purposes within the intended functions of the platform is permitted.