How to Use Naloxone or NARCAN Nasal Spray
How to Use Naloxone or NARCAN Nasal Spray • Naloxone, commonly known by the brand-name NARCAN, can save the life of someone who is having an opioid overdose. The life-saving drug works in seconds when it is sprayed into the nasal passages of the person having an overdose, reversing the effect of the opioid drug causing that overdose. • There are six steps to using the opioid overdose-reversing medication naloxone, or NARCAN: • • Identify whether the person is having an opioid overdose and check to see if they respond to you • • If there is no response, administer NARCAN through the person's nasal passages (spray it in their nose) • The person will not be harmed if they are not experiencing an opioid overdose • • Call 911 immediately • • Try to keep the person awake and breathing • • Lay the person on their side to prevent choking • • Stay with the person until emergency workers arrive • Learn more about Denver Health's Center for Addiction Medicine and its efforts to save lives and honor the lives of those lost to overdoses each year on Overdose Awareness Day (August 31) at • #endoverdoseCO