Butaotome Utau Namahousou 48 Mayoigo no Mezame
>> YOUR LINK HERE: ___ http://youtube.com/watch?v=TDVYuJVQM-0
Title: Mayoigo no Mezame (迷い子の目覚め) • Original theme: The Fantastic Tales from Tono (遠野幻想物語) • Albums: Oriental Yume Kikou (オリエンタル夢紀行) /// ButaBEST Aburakaramekonpimashimashi (豚BEST アブラカラメコンピマシマシ) • Date: 2014-10-01 • Original livestream link: http://live.nicovideo.jp/watch/lv1951... • I'm looping the new vocal album! So, for this week I thought about uploading something somehow related to it... And since CHILD HOOD'S END has an arrange of Chen's theme, here we have her stage! • Butaotome English Fansite: http://tiramisucowboy.com/