FitnessGram Stations PACER Training with Push Up amp Curl Up Practice Tests
*Support the channel! = } https://coach-meger-fitness-games.myt... • [FitnessGram Remix] PACER Training with Push Up Curl Up Practice Tests -- Our younger kids always have a tough time with pacing and the FitnessGram 'form' exercises. I am planning to use this practice pacer, curl up, push up timer with our elementary PE classes to help them get used to the cadences and Fitnessgram Test voices. • This video provides visuals and some more fun music. It also allows the teacher to group students into two stations to maximize time and space in the gym while practicing for the FitnessGram tests. • • • This is a very simple fitness activity we sometimes use to warm up the students in our elementary PE class. Show the students the video as a reminder, then allow them to choose one while exercising in the next activity. • • • • 🚫Disclaimers: • *This content was created using creative commons and fair use guidelines and no copyright is intended. It was made by teachers and is used in educational settings. Any monetization of video is from Youtube's declared copyright owners. • *While this is an effective teaching aide for the vast majority of students, it does contain flashing images and contrasting colors. Around 1 in 100 people has epilepsy. Of these individuals, around 3% have Photosensitive Epilepsy . This means that roughly 3 in 10,000 students should not watch the video to avoid being triggered. Know your students! If one of them has Photosensitive Epilepsy, be careful with what you let them watch 👌