Clifford Goes to Kindergarten He makes a GIANT MESS
Clifford books are classics! This books explores the nervousness before going to kindergarten for the very first time. Turns out, it's a lot of fun! • #Clifford #audiobook #kidsbook #book #reading #Scholastic #ForKids #KidsReading #Kindergarten #FirstDay • We created this channel because we love books in our house! Jen is a teacher with a Masters level education in early childhood development who knows the importance of kids reading books. Developmentally, it can be great for kids to hear other kids reading books. Samantha, our daughter, loves books. She has been recording herself reading books since she was 4 years old. With her passion for reading books, she wanted to reach a larger audience and read to many others. We will read fun books, funny books, gross books, and books that teach you neat things. We hope you love our channel! If you have a favorite book that we haven't read, you can send us a copy and we would love to read it with a special dedication to you!