Tasty Minor Pentatonic Licks 7
>> YOUR LINK HERE: ___ http://youtube.com/watch?v=THIGUMv_efQ
Exercise 22-25 to develop funky bluesy phrasing and licks using only the notes of the minor Pentatonic Scale. Free tabs also available in the video. • All these licks use the finger rolling technique. • Key of Amin • Am7 single chord vamp • 90 bpm • Here we are using string skipping exercises. Each phrase starts with the G note. • I have used various techniques such as hammer ons and pull offs, slides, vibrato, backtracking , finger rolling, syncopation and rhythmic displacement and call and response phrasing to create these licks. • Practise these in all possible areas on the fretboard to get these movements flawlessly in any key or any position on the fretboard. • • More exercises from this series here - • • Pentatonic Licks