Is Turkey the Key to EndTimes Prophecy Ezekiel’s Shocking Warning Episode 2
Joel Richardson goes over the Biblical passages, Ezekiel 38 and 39, as well as Daniel 11, and discusses how for the last 20 years, he has said “Keep Your Eyes On Turkey.” Joel discusses how if we look at Ezekiel’s prophecy in a historical and grammatical method, we will see that Ezekiel’s prophecy points to Turkey or the region of Turkey as the leader of the last days of a revived empire. This prophecy predicts a last-day’s Turkish invasion of the land of Israel. Joel explains that the current president of Turkey openly uses hostile rhetoric toward Israel which points directly to Ezekiel’s prophecy. • Join this channel to get access to perks and early premieres of videos: • / @cirainternational • Follow CIRA International ® • Facebook: / cirainternational • Website: • Support Al Fadi: • Patreon: / cirainternational • Website: • About CIRA International ® • CIRA's mission and goal is to; create awareness about Islam as a religion and political movement; inform and challenge the Church concerning outreach and evangelism to Muslims, equip the believers with effective outreach tools, and advance the Gospel message among our Muslim neighbors communities so that the vast majority of Muslims will begin a Gospel conversation with a Christ-follower. • CIRA exists to mobilize the Body of Christ across North America, and globally, to more effectively reach Muslims with the Gospel, by discipling and equipping believers, and by empowering church and community leaders to influence the Muslim world for Christ. • #AlFadi #BiblicalProphecy #Ezekiel38 #Daniel11 #EndTimesSigns #TurkeyInProphecy #JoelRichardson #CIRAInternational #MiddleEastUpdate #ProphecyFulfilled #IsraelConflict #GeopoliticsAndBible #TurkeyAndIsrael #LastDaysEmpire #TurkeyInvasion #EndTimesProphecy #ChristianPerspective #IslamAndChristianity #WarAndProphecy #TurkeyRising #BiblicalTruthVsCulture #ProphecyUnfolding #islam #islamicworld #islamic