Uri Avnery Winning awards 285315

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To listen to more of Uri Avnery’s stories, go to the playlist:    • Uri Avnery (Social activist)   • Uri Avnery (1923-2018) was an Israeli writer, journalist and peace activist. He was editor-in-chief of the weekly news magazine HaOlam HaZeh and founded the Gush Shalom peace movement. [Listener: Anat Saragusti; date recorded: 2017] • TRANSCRIPT: The awards. During my life I have received nine or maybe eleven awards. The special thing about them is that all of them, or almost all of them, were given to me abroad. Of course I have not received, nor will I ever receive, the Israel Prize. I will never, for instance, be a 'Worthy Citizen of Tel Aviv', even though I have lived here for 80 years. Still, I've resigned myself to this business about an award… What is an award? It is aprize that the existing regime gives to those who are loyal to it. Sometimes, for the sake of making an impression, it is also given to an opponent, but only after his demise. So it is obvious to me that I will never be awarded a prize and nor do I need to receive one. When Yeshayahu Leibowitz was awarded the Israel Prize such an outcry arose that he refused to accept it. I was awarded the Leibovitz Prize. The one prize that is really important is what is called the 'alternative Nobel Prize' which is a very prestigious thing. It is not called that officially – officially it is called the Right Livelihood Award. A Swedish nobleman with a German name started it. He had an important international stamp collection which he sold for a huge sum and established this award. The award is granted annually to three or four people in the world who do things for the good of humanity, and I received it in 2001. Not I alone but with Rachel Avnery and Gush Shalom − the three of us together. It was a ceremony like one sees in the movies with people in uniform and with musicians - really, really festive. We went to Sweden in winter, a film crew who was filming it went with us and it was very prestigious. Afterwards I received several German awards. I was awarded a prize honouring a German writer whom I very much admire – the Erich Maria Remarque Peace Prize. Remarque wrote several books, but the book that helped to shape awareness for me and for many other people is All Quiet on the Western Front about soldiers in World War I, which made a considerable impact on me. I read it between writing Be`sdot Pleshet and The Other Side of the Coin . I think it influenced The Other Side of the Coin . The book makes a very important anti-war statement. And what was very special about the ceremony was something really, really special. No, sorry, I take it back. We were in Sweden, we got the award, it was terribly cold. I really enjoyed Sweden.


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