NEW The Ultimate Ark Chitin Farm amp Organic Polymer Farm 2023
Fenrir has outdone himself again as the top harvester of the chitin and organic polyer in this auto farm me made but I know fenrir is not very accessible in game so I do want to quickly mention for any beginners that any carnivore that fits in the auto farm design you make will also harvest these materials just at different rates potentially. Over all though this ark chitin farm and organic polymer farm will get you all the chitin and organic polymer you could need while playing around on ark. Thanks for all the support and coming and hanging out on the channel check out my ark tek auto farm video below if you want other ideas for farming resources in ark. • Ark Auto Tek Farm ⬇️ • 🔴The Ultimate Ark Tek Farm NEW 2023 | ALL the Element Oil Electronics Metal You Could Need! • The Ultimate Ark Tek Farm *NEW* 2023 ...