Strength to Leave domesticviolenceawarenessmonth domesticviolenceawareness stopthecycle
This is a clip from the video October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month • You know how when you pop a child’s hand and they immediately want to hug you? It’s like, they want you to not be mad more than the pop hurt their little hand. They want to see how they can make it better for you not to be upset. • Now, think of this as an adult. Your partner is disappointed or upset with you and you just want them not to be mad anymore. You want to do whatever you can to make them feel better and no longer upset with you. The more this happens, the more you try to please them. Then it turns into trying to make them happy. All while their disappointment has turned into calling you names and mistreating you. This is what normally happens before the hits start coming. And you just want them to be happy. And you do everything in your power to make them happy. Only to be met with, you disrespected me, you don’t love me, wear this, I say you look at that other person, nobody else is going to want you. And so you try harder to make them happy, with each insult, with each put down, with each hit. You’ve lost yourself and if a glimmer of who you used to be comes out, they will hurry to get it out of you. • Being stuck in this pattern is a difficult place to be. Even if you know the facts. Even if you know it’s not going to get any better. You are loving someone more than yourself that has not even learned to love themselves. It is like an addiction. You are addicted to the dribs and drabs of the semblance of love that they give you in between the abuse. And just like any other drug, it can take a while to come off of it. But you can do it. Maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow, but it can be done. • Many like to talk about strength and being a strong person. During these times you feel as if you aren’t strong enough. If you are strong enough to endure the abuse, you are strong enough to leave the relationship. Work on your support system. Make a plan. And execute that plan as safe as possible. • #domesticviolenceawarenessmonth #domesticviolenceawareness #stopthecycle #dvisnottheway #youcangetout