Water Refilling Stations
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SANTA BARBARA -- Adams Elementary is one of seven schools to get a water refilling station installed on campus to help eliminate plastic bottle use. • The United States goes through 2.5 million water bottles an hour and the majority of those aren't recycled. • In order to cut down on the usage, the Community Environmental Council and the Orfalea Foundation is installing hydration stations in Santa Barbara schools. • At first glance it looks like a typical school water fountain, but this station is equipped with a sensor that refills bottles with cold, filtered water. • Before we had this water system at Adams School, we would go through about 250-350 water bottles a week, plastic water bottles, said Adams Elementary School Principal Amy Alzina. So far to date, we've sold zero. • More than 600 reusable water bottles were given to every student and teacher at Adams School. • They're for putting water in them so you can use the new machine, explained Fourth Grader Nicole Lozano. • Every time the water station is used, it counts the amount of bottles being saved. In just three days since the installation, the school has helped eliminate 719 plastic bottles. • No more plastic so it doesn't go to the ocean, Lozano said. • The water system price tag is around $1,500 but comes at no cost for the schools as the Community Environmental Council's Rethink The Drink program and the Orfalea Foundation's s'Cool Food purchases the machines. • This is completely eliminating the plastic water bottles and therefore saving our environment, said Principal Alzina. • During recess, the elementary students brought in their bottles to fill up before heading back to class. • The water tastes really good, said Lozano. • Monroe and Harding School have received their water stations and they should be in stalled within the next couple weeks. Santa Barbara High School will be getting a third station that will be installed in the gym. • For more information on the Rethink The Drink Program click here: http://www.cecsb.org/item/renewed-fun...